Can't Find Amazing Hits? 11/11 Honor the Veterans on Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Nov 11, 2014.

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  1. Yeah, wife is the same way. Was there the other day and she was like one's in the mailbox but I'll get it tomorrow, stuff between us aside I was just like no you won't I'll go get it and took care of it. If I had left her to it she mighta gotten hurt, she doesn't know how to dispatch that stuff.

    He had a handful of dog shit wrapped in paper towels in his hand, saw a spider, wanted it to die, so he used it like a blackjack on it lol
  2. OK, what in Hell are you all taking about?
  3. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member

    Ugh. Just restarted ME1 from a checkpoint cuz I messed up the Citadel (about 5-6 hours of gameplay lost). Redid a big chunk of the citadel (about 3 hours flown through), then it glitched out again.

    damn glitchy games...
  4. nottl

    nottl User

    Floating Garrus in ME1 is a gift that keeps on giving.
  5. Oh okay I mention knowing somebody that killed a spider with balled up dog shit and suddenly I'm weird
  6. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    Awwww. That's sweet of you.

    (I personally would rather know how/be able to do it myself, but then I've been having people get mad at me pretty much my whole life because apparently I'm too independent or something. I think probably a lot of women would react like your wife did, and that was nice of you to take care of that for her. :) )

    ...I'm disgusted and fascinated at once. Would that actually work? Did it work? I'd have thought dog shit was too, well, squishy.
  7. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    Nah dude, chill. I am the Empress of Weird, and I say you're pretty much barely weird. No worries.
  8. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member

    Garrus and Wrex are where it's at. The unstoppable duo. Until Liara shows up, then I take her and Garrus.

    But, that's only when Garrus actually shows up. Gotta replay the citadel again, and you can be damn sure I'm saving every 30 seconds...

    not that it helped me before, when I loaded from a save and Garrus turned into a half-seethrough kaidan
  9. ifadoll

    ifadoll User

    I gotta say that I would have never guess that Tig and Venus would have made it this far.
  10. I popped in and saw bug killing stories and complaints about homeless people. I just couldn't even sort it all out.
  11. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    Death dealing. It's cool, right?

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2014
  12. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member

  13. I didn't mean to sound judgemental I've just been drinking yo
  14. Yeah, it was more of a "you don't have to" than a "thanks" at the time. That's just kinda how it is right now, we need each other for a lot but I will at best admit it reluctantly and she won't at all

    End of the line is we're both really immature (look at my username) and I'm hesitantly willing to admit it, she isn't at all, so, train kinda stopped until some people start fuckin accepting some things

  15. mezz

    mezz User

    Hey guys do more hits come out in the early morning hours or is there no real rhythm or rhyme to it?
  16. jTurker

    jTurker User

    Walton Goggins, loved him in the Shield and hes perfect in Justified, but Venus Van Dam is both scary and mesmerizing at the same time.
  17. ifadoll

    ifadoll User

    Truth. This is kind of the only reason train is still rolling here, except I'm pretty mature. Just irrational sometimes.
  18. ifadoll

    ifadoll User

    He did such a great job on the character. I'm glad somebody else appreciates him for his roll on the Shield. I had to explain to all of my family why I laughed at Venus's name when he first appeared.
  19. Artemisia

    Artemisia User


    (though I'm not as fast with you as the gifs that's the only "kitten hug" one I can find that wasn't weird looking)
  20. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    Not usually any real rhyme or reason to it, and if either pop up they don't last long - you kinda have to learn to roll with it
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