Can't Find Feisty HITs? 3/21 Ready Steady Go Saturday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Mar 21, 2015.

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  1. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

  2. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    Sadly there are people who will do these for free! UGH!
  3. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    I sent Miss Francis Smart a message! A friendly reminder that she forgot to put any reward in her hit! LOL.
  4. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    I bet she sends you a bonus for that helpful tip :D
  5. Libby101a

    Libby101a User


    You've received a bonus from dldfjkldfjldkjf

    The amount of your bonus is 0.00

    Thanks for being a valued MTURK worker!!!
  6. There was some requester (don't remember the name) 8-9 months ago that posted a really large batch that was underpaid at approx $.03. Idiots did them. He kept lowering the pay penny by penny and eventually had them up 0.00. People sent emails and he responded by saying people should be thankful to be able to get their numbers up and that people were happy.

  7. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    I believe it! There's better ways to get your numbers up than doing work for free! When I first started I did a few penny hits, mostly above that, but never zero hits! My numbers went up fast too! You don't have to sale yourself that short! It's just giving some of these requester ammo to keep doing that nonsense! Don't get me wrong, we have some really good requesters, but we also have some pretty bad ones too!
  8. Sharkl11

    Sharkl11 User

    Anybody planning on booking hotel nights soon? I'll sell you my nights for 50% off!!!!!!
  9. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    People are idiots!! An unrelated example, there was a picture of Steven Spielberg on the set of Jurassic Park kneeling in front of one of the "dead" dinosaurs. As a joke, one of his friends posted a message about how horrible he was to kill a dinosaur. People went freaking nuts. Thousands of people wrote nasty messages about how bad he was to kill a dinosaur. A DINOSAUR!!! Like I said, people are idiots :D
  10. You would think that Amazon would require at least a penny per hit. If a hit pays nothing . . . Amazon gets nothing and the requester gets free use of the platform (at least I think that the requester only pays Amazon a percentage of the hit value)
  11. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    One time there was a requester who visited this forum. He pm'd me about a comment I had made about how underpaid the hits were. I wasn't rude, I just said I wouldn't do them for that pay. He wrote and told me how awful he felt about how much the hits paid but his boss insisted that they keep lowering the pay until people stopped doing them and then keep raising the pay by a penny until people started working on them again. I had always guessed that that was how some requesters worked but it was the first time that I ever heard it right from the horses mouth.
  12. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    Yeah, I don't think Amazon gets anything from zero hits! I agree, why on earth would Amazon allow this! It hurts everybody but the requester who gets his/her work done for nothing. You'd think they'd at least have the morals to pay a penny.

  13. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    Yeah and it's pathetic. I understand some of these requesters are being bullied to do this by superiors but still they should be ashamed of themselves to think people will lower themselves to work for such pay.
  14. twirdman

    twirdman User

    Actually fairly sure Amazon does get something for 0 cent hits. Pretty sure it is 10% minimum .5 cents to post a hit. Which means that they are paying a 50% fee to Amazon to post a penny hit.
  15. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    The problem is that people will do them so if I was concerned with the bottom line then I probably would do the same thing. Management always thinks differently than the workers do.
  16. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    Laughing my ass off.

    This was recent!
  17. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    Ok... that's good for Amazon! NO wonder they aren't worried, they are getting paid. Amazon should be force them to pay at least a penny.

    I don't know though, how do you pay a fee on zero? LOL

    If the minimum is 10%, and the pay is 0.00, then 10% of zero is zero! hmmm
  18. I would think that most requesters would think that the quality of their data would be just as worthless as their hits.
  19. adaaaam

    adaaaam Banned

    Holy shit that's nuts (that it hit 0). That still happens nowadays but because people script penny hits. But I can see how he felt he was doing a service since they were STILL getting done, and he can't price them at -0.01...
  20. Libby101a

    Libby101a User

    Yeah I understand the concept, my previous work was General Manger of a large department store and then I owned my own business. The point is people do them which is sad! Requesters will keep on doing it because there's always that group that will continue to hammer them.
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