Can't Find Great Hits? 4/29 Work It Wednesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Apr 29, 2015.

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  1. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

  2. Alexa

    Alexa User

    I've stayed away from them after they went from .75 and not working to .20 and working. :):Bitter:: ) How much are you guys making off of them?
  3. Ccaattss

    Ccaattss User

    Ok now I'm butthurt that they were once .75! I'm not doing too bad. Averaging maybe 2 a minute.
  4. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    OMG! how could I have forgotten... :)
  5. Jezt Me

    Jezt Me User

    I just noticed that all of those Vertical Leaps were YouTube links. Now I have a shit ton of videos in my YouTube history and recommendations from them. I'll have to remember to sign out before working on those again.
  6. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    I've been SEXAY for way too long, time to step down and give you guiz fighting chance... :eek:
  7. Ccaattss

    Ccaattss User

    Appling got back to me if anyone is interested, he seems like a pretty nice guy

    Hi, thanks for your question, the profile pics can be anything and you should check the box only if you think there is something specific about the pic that makes you think its a non-human account. So for example, the pic could be snowflake or a picture of a person and it may be a human account or there may be something about the pic (and the rest of the profile) that makes you think its a non-human account so you might choose to mark the picture. So it may be multiple factors that inform your decisions about what profile attributes you think, contextually speaking, are non-human, if any.
  8. Carpy

    Carpy User

    ohhhhh THAT'S what that was!! I was looking through mine going "who the hell has been on my account watching these random videos!"
  9. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    Thank you, but some of us like CoruptAI125 and myself are really just too SEXAY to be put on this poll...

  10. Jezt Me

    Jezt Me User

    I thought it was something to do with the Sergey qual earlier until I spotted a specific clip I recognized. Today, I noticed someone mention the Vertical Leaps weren't loading for them, which makes me wonder if that person wasn't signed into YouTube. Either way, I have a huge mess to clean up.
  11. Pontiac

    Pontiac User

    Now it's time to go to sleep again. I'm going to have way too much energy in the morning :D
    Projected Earnings for Today $50.08
  12. Holy shit I feel like this is a livecam of this forum after hours

  13. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    Posted by Andy 11 minutes ago. From 100.4.118.x Report Abuse

    Clearly, the answer should be Calebro.

    Anybody want to do a 30 minute transcription for a dollar?

    Posted by TOO SEXAY FOR POLL in reply to Andy 1 minute ago. From 108.74.192.x Report Abuse

    I would do it for free... plus I will give you a bonus...

    good to see ANDY take time out for this MTF poll...
  14. [​IMG]
  15. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member

    *tries to scam poll to put in a bunch of votes for himself*

    *succeeds in voting twice, but no more*

    *gives up and calls it a night*

    Night y'all!
  16. twirdman

    twirdman User

    I'm so gonna win this everyone knows how sexay I am.

    Dear god I hope no one sees how insecure I am. Please god don't let me get 0 votes.
  17. frood

    frood User

    What a save!
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