Can't Find Wonderful Hits? 5/26 Totally Awesome Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, May 26, 2015.

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  1. JohnD25

    JohnD25 User

    Anyone get cut off at 83 for youtube artist?
  2. twirdman

    twirdman User

    In fact we have fried much bigger fish that were fish related requesters with a requester named fish in superfish and a requester about fish in Jonathan Chang.
  3. Carpy

    Carpy User

    Well, as someone has already pointed out, I broke 5k about 3 days ago, so I wouldn't have been able to take the qual test anyway (a month ago), so that point is moot. I'm not advocating that you should be required to share the qual test link, that's why I check OCMP several times a day just to see what's up that I might be able to qual for. This community has taught me how to catch my own fish and that's what I try to do. I don't wait to be spoon fed.

    And again, I'm pro-sharing but I would've done it via PM. That used to be a nice food supply; not anymore. I was here for nearly 2 months and not a single person told me what they were or that they even existed and that I could've nailed 5k sooooo much faster. It's just my luck that I finally get word of it and it becomes very useful only for it to be thrown out to guests/lurkers who don't participate in giving/taking. The fact that I provided it to someone yesterday via PM when asked shows I'm pro-sharing.

    The fact that you think its only worth $3 a day shows me you don't use it, so I'm not sure why you are continuing to argue with me over it. It's obvious to me why you don't care about it because you don't need it or use it. And since I've repeatedly said I'm pro-sharing, what are the points that you're trying to convince me of exactly?

    Just to add: your implication saying $12/day isn't much to you; that's just under half of my daily average, so yes, it's a big deal to me. When I have your daily average someday, maybe I'll share your sentiment and say 'whatever who cares'
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2015
  4. cg1138

    cg1138 User

    MTurk (and turking) is like a flat circle. Every hit or forum drama we've ever done or will do, we're going to do it over and over and over again.
  5. Bald

    Bald User

    lol, mylikes has been shared for a long time it is not a newfound "secret"
  6. myopia

    myopia User

    I don't know what it is about these Youtube artist hits, but they make my computer feel 20 years old. I know chrome cannot exactly use 6 cores, but the very fact I have 6 cores available says the machine isn't all THAT old.

    It is so bad that when I am typing a comment in the box, it's like being on a 2400 baud modem 30 years ago -- typing faster than it can keep up with.
  7. JAWN

    JAWN User

    Anyone decent at AHK here figure out why the Joe Elliot script isn't working with these mud hits?

    the way I have it...

    box is to the right of the photos now instead of the left. hmm
  8. Monica

    Monica User

    I think he's just confused. You've been really just starting to get active in AMT again, right? You just hit 5,000, congrats by the way that's awesome, you've learned how to check requesters for qualification hits, this community taught you to catch your own work. You say you're pro sharing, and that you shared in private.

    This sticks out to me:

    Now, it feels to me like you are really advocating sharing things privately, but in the next breath complaining that things aren't all visible to you. I may be getting this wrong and I really don't want to make any wrong assumptions, I'm just super confused. We can't block things off to just active posters compared to lurkers. If everyone shares everything with the people they like in private, then only a small group of workers are going to be "in the know" - and newer folks like yourself aren't going to have the same advantage, and they're going to be "bottom of the barrel" (as you called it) with the rest of the lurkers.

    Idk. Comme ci comme ca.
  9. db42

    db42 User

    Yeah. Years? And just did a quick forum search - been mentioned almost every day for the past month, and it's been mentioned on and off for months if not longer as a decent way to build numbers. Not sure why mentioning them is suddenly killing the "supply line" unless the supply line has been killed over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again.
  10. elt

    elt User

    Title: Quick Decision Making Survey
    Requester: Jasper B. [A105OCIQMKKQRX] (TO)
    TO Ratings: No TO (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)
    Description: 2 minute survey for a class project. Includes 1 short scenario question plus several questions about demographics and your political views.
    Time: 60 minutes
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $0.10
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
  11. turkeyday

    turkeyday Banned

    The only script or AHK i use for Elliot is block requester...

    *Assuming he still has 20 pics per hit
  12. nic

    nic User

    I can't even do them on my Chromebook, I have to switch computers and then it isn't worth it to me for how long they take since I don't know most of the artists and have to look them up.
  13. Bald

    Bald User

    I dunno what this convo is even about I just want to troll.

    But srsly, Mylikes/venue quality/etc are always shared or recommended for numbers/extra dollars each day
  14. Carpy

    Carpy User

    Just kinda goes back to what I've said before about the forum being closed off to guests to at least force them to make an account. It wouldn't do much in the long run but I think it would promote people to get involved in the sharing/community aspect rather than sitting idle waiting to be spoonfed. If you're not active and contributing I don't think you should get much in return. That's why I help with something like this (that's a big part of my 'food supply') via PM, so those that aren't involved and are looking for free handouts don't benefit and leech off of those who do. Surveys I can only do once so obviously I want those to be out there for the community.

    It's a tough spot but that's my take on it.
  15. Hajime

    Hajime User

    I've been wanting to buy a Chromebook lately, was actually going to ask someone if it's useful for turking. Wasn't sure if you could run scripts at all.
  16. twirdman

    twirdman User

    Not exactly sure what you are trying to do with this script so cannot help with it but just want to give a quick suggestion. Instead of doing something like


    you can do

    send ^a

    The carrot acts as holding down control. Sorry couldn't help with more then that just not sure exactly what you are trying to copy and past in those hits.
  17. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    On some real shit though, I hope we all make the amount we desire this summer. Good vibes to everybody, even the ones that pray for the fall of the Ryberg empire.

  18. JAWN

    JAWN User

    Yeah, he's no tate. Cherry picking and the script gets 'em up to about to 8.50/hr filler for me.
  19. Monica

    Monica User

    This is suggested like at least once every few months. It's just not what this forum is about. There's plenty of closed off forums that you have to sign up and participate for. A lot of people are intimidated by that. Some say it feels cliquey. They're out there if that's the experience you're looking for. That's just not how MTF is ran. This place is intended to be all inclusive. Whether or not you want to sign up. That's just how we work.
  20. myopia

    myopia User

    I look at it as someone paying me a few bucks an hour to listen to new music. I've found quite a few new (to me) artists worth listening to.

    Never going to make good money doing it though.
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