Can't Find Great Hits? 6/2 Twinkling Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Jun 2, 2015.

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  1. Same. I do 100 dollar days but I can't max out. 3800 hits is like a hit every 10 seconds for over 10 hours. Fuck that.
  2. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    One thing is for sure, if i die or mysteriously disappear, Solaire of Astora has all of my gifs/memes, so the forum will be safe...
  3. Faithers

    Faithers User

    I tried to do Jareds one day just to show myself I COULD max out if I wanted to. I made it like 60 in. haha
  4. Is there anything worth doing for non-masters?

    Thinking of just watching some movies ALL NIIIIIGHT LUUUUNG.
  5. Faithers

    Faithers User

    Alright yoohoos. I'm tossing back what's left of my Drennan's, checking a kid's blood sugar and going to bed.
  6. I have them all brobot!
  7. ETC1337

    ETC1337 User

    not really hop on so I can dominate :cool:
  8. The 4 cent Jareds were fun, I maxed out on those one day. Was a cool $150 or something like that. Then they dropped down to 1 cent and it was kill.
  9. adaaaam

    adaaaam Banned

    I don't know that many people do that, and you have to keep in mind some do it for stats or a personal streak goal, npnot necessarily to optimize earnings, which makes it much easier if you were doing some really fast penny hit for example
  10. twirdman

    twirdman User

    What is the most you've ever done in one day.
  11. Lmao I did that also, but seeing 2.50/hr only allowed my brain to do 10.
  12. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    HUH, I don't need guns, someone fuk with me, I just whip out my guitar and play some olde school death metal, you should hear the screams...
  13. If you were ever looking to max out, these Crowd Task HITs would be the way to do it. Wow. Not to mention that there are 119k of them.
  14. twirdman

    twirdman User

    Yeah you would not want to max out at that pay rate. Along with only being 38 it would take over 15 hours.
  15. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member

    OK all, I have an update for hitDB. There's two steps involved. Step 1: Go here: and install that script. There's instructions there, but basically you:

    1. Install the patch script
    2. Uninstall or remove hit DB
    3. Go to your dashboard
    4. Run the script
    5. WAIT 2 MINUTES (maybe recall a time when you felt powerless and scared)
    6. Remove or disable the patch script
    7. Reinstall HitDB
    8. Update

    That should get you running again.
  16. I was planning on doing that to but I thought to myself do I really want to do all of that work for 38 bucks? If they were 5c I would have. But if they were 5c they probably wouldn't have lasted.
  17. twirdman

    twirdman User

    Do we have to do this even if we didn't update today and didn't experience any errors or can we just update the normal way?
  18. Hajime

    Hajime User

    Calebro. When are we gonna hang out so you can teach me to play like this?


    edit - That shit at 4 minutes and beyond is ridiculous to me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2015
  19. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    My vote this month is gonna be purely based on who has the sexiest legs, so get those selfies coming, it will help me make my final decision...

    EDIT: ladies don't forget the NAIR
  20. WCH

    WCH User

    It actually is funny how even bad neighborhoods aren't so scary if you're from the block. I never knew anybody who carried guns in Detroit though. Or at least, I didn't know they were carrying guns, lol.
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