Can't Find Great Hits? 6/3 Most Wicked Wednesday for the win!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Solaire of Astora, Jun 2, 2015.

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  1. ETC1337

    ETC1337 User

    I'm worried about hamming that CT batch...

    but I'm going in...shame about that 15 day AA though
  2. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    They usually don't go to AA
  3. no worries.
  4. WCH

    WCH User

    Isn't it usually more like 7 days?

    The last time I told somebody to ham a batch, she got mass rejected, so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut.
  5. [​IMG]
  6. *drops mic with Calebro*
  7. Hajime

    Hajime User

    Hey Solaire. This has probably been brought up before but do you have PS4? If so, any chance you play Battlefield, NHL, or Mortal Kombat?
  8. You sort of told me to ham a batch and were pretty sure it would be okay D:
  9. Right now I am really into Bloodborne, I do play battlefield and MK tho for sure :)
  10. So I probably shouldn't expect these Crowd Tasks to all be approved by morning?
  11. WCH

    WCH User

    Oh yeah...these are safe though. I promise.
  12. Hajime

    Hajime User

    Cool. I'll be getting MK in the mail hopefully by Friday. We'll have to do battle some time.
  13. uknome

    uknome User

    Did the database update. Still 10 bananas off...
  14. *picks up all the dropped mics; gets rich selling mics; pays taxes on riches; goes back to turking*
  15. [​IMG]

    Made me think of this.
  16. foxworthy

    foxworthy User

    Both of mine have been effed up today, might delete and redo it :/
  17. foxworthy

    foxworthy User

    Which BF on which system?
  18. I would expect around 7ish days graceful.
    p.s AAs are important if you depend on turking for main income, but not all requesters go full AA, most do not it is more like a "safe guard". If I could word it correctly pad your finances with full AA, you know do not count chickens and such.
  19. For sure that sounds like a plan!
  20. TurkingPimp

    TurkingPimp Banned

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