Oscar training hits problem

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by dineshj.1990, May 8, 2012.

  1. dineshj.1990

    dineshj.1990 Member

    I cannot able to complete the training hit 2 of oscar smith. I typed the name James E.Hoffman, Jr. which is the correct answer but it shows again and again that i typed it incorrectly.Some body help me
  2. gabriel

    gabriel Active Member

    You should type absolut exactly as in his example.
    As an example:
    James E. Hofman and James E.Hoffman (in the second typing, the space is missing between E. and Hoffman)
  3. channingb

    channingb New Member

    Hahah when I was doing that one, I was also confused...but realized I typed Janes, not James. Silly moment.
  4. dineshj.1990

    dineshj.1990 Member

    But the problem still exists
  5. I see it was a training hit.. If theres a bug then email Oscar. other wise its your error and not his.. As the rest of us has passed his trail hits and moved onto the real hits..
  6. aukxsona

    aukxsona User

    I love this guy, at what point do you become a trusted worker?
  7. Hi aukxsona,

    You will become a trusted worker after doing 500 HITs from Oscar and getting a score of 90. Then you can send him a request for the same.

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