Can't Find Great HITs? 9/30 Wonderful Wednesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. JAWN

    JAWN User

    don't see pasta or potatoes on that list! A budget's two best friends. Make your own sauce and freeze it, cheaper and tastier than jar ish too.

    It's such a shame eating healthy is either a. expensive b. time consuming c. tasteless d. all of the above. Whoever made a green pepper more pricey than a two Mcdoubles should be thrown in jail.
  2. Buy your popcorn in bulk, oats instead of oatmeal (you can flavor it up yourself), and dry beans instead of canned.
  3. I was just going to say 2 or 3 dollar items for each meal will put you around 60 a week. I personally stock up on Totino's™ Party Pizza's and Ramen.
  4. Bald

    Bald User

    Yeah pretty much, might add in pasta and a pasta sauce next week. Gotta factor in coffee too I guess, but I get that free at work during week as well. It's a challenge, gotta get those calories in or else I will shrivel up into a toothpick.
  5. Bald

    Bald User

    I am really just trying to see how low I can go in cost per week, if it works out I may make a video series about it. Kind of an experiment. Lot's of people are strapped for cash, might be helpful to some
  6. Tortillas are cheap and easy to make and they freeze well.

    You can freeze just about any vegetable you buy fresh.

    Is there a bulk food store near you, where you can buy flour, etc.?
  7. myopia

    myopia User

    Thanks! Can't believe I just did a Pirc survey. Not many $2 surveys are up for hours... :)
  8. Jessie

    Jessie User

    People trying to pass off an ear of corn as a loofah on A9. wtflol.
  9. Bald

    Bald User

    That would make sense, except I honestly don't have the time to cook much. Meals need to be quick. Can get a large bag of fresh corn tortillas for $2.50. I will have to do some research on some bulk food stores, I am sure they are around
  10. Don't forget about cheap ass hotdogs. Always a treat. Bread instead of buns of course. Very cheap and you can throw in a dollar can of chili to spice it up.
  11. Find somebody to buy some food stamps off of tbh.
  12. Bald

    Bald User

    What are hot dogs made of? Not knocking it, I'm a sucker for 7/11's jumbo hot dogs sometimes. Might be a good option too, just not the healthiest option out there. But affordable and easy
  13. Bald

    Bald User

    wow, lol, no words
  14. JAWN

    JAWN User

    If you got a day off, and a big enough freezer it's well worth it to make 4 or 5 big things all in one day so the rest of the week you're just thawing, saucepan/microwave for a couple mins. and ready to go.

    Since Sundays are always so dead on Turk, I'd usually roll a j, put on a few albums, and make curries, sauces, soups, lasagna, etc. all afternoon. Then the rest of the week you're not missing good work by cooking, going out, etc.
  15. Cheap ones are almost always chicken and pork.
  16. ETC1337

    ETC1337 User

    50% is what they go for so $90 gets you about $ florida anyways
  17. Bald

    Bald User

    That's what I do with my chicken, usually cook and freeze it on the weekend portioned out. Boil half of my eggs, cook rice and portion it out, etc. All good ideas, will have to put some of them into action. thanks guys
  18. Jessie

    Jessie User

    I used to do a whole month's worth of dinners in one day. I would spend about 11 hours in the kitchen making it all and then put it in the freezer. Makes dinner time so easy when you just have to pull it out of the fridge (after thawing) and tossing it in the oven or the skillet. It saved me a ton of money, too. I really need to get back into that, but ever since moving I haven't found the motivation.
  19. One meal I eat fairly regularly is rice and chili. Super cheap and very filling. Throw some cheese in if you have it. Also the classic southern meal of: Fried potatoes, pinto beans, and cornbread.
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