Can't Find Great HITs? 10/9 Freedom Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Oct 9, 2015.

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  1. lolol
  2. Anyone have a time on this

    Title: Improving Online Guides to Health Information
    Requester: Michael Suvak [A31JYNP3WSY24Q] (TO)
    TO Ratings: No TO (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)
    Description: Welcome! The purpose of this task is to identify the clarity and usefulness of annotated guides to health information on the Internet. You must be 18+ and use English as your primary language to participate.
    Time: 3 hours
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $5.00
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 50; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95; Location is US
  3. I must have missed that part
  4. 5 dollar mental health survey took 10 min nice hit
  5. newt says 15 minutes
  6. Newt just got rekt by 5 min lol
  7. Batchiest week ever for me. Not that many hits compared to a lot of you guys, but I usually focus on surveys so this week has been interesting.
  8. Emin3m

    Emin3m User

    20 mins,great hit
  9. I noticed you just hit 40k hits this morning which was a surprise I always thought you were similar to my numbers lol I must be a bit batchier. I do a lot of surveys to though.
  10. I average 16.6 cents a hit(Divide your total earnings by your number of hits completed to get your average hit I think lol unless my math is bad)
  11. corsies

    corsies User

    it was short no more than 20 minutes pleasantly surprised
  12. 19.6 cents a hit for me
  13. Your math is as fine as you are
  14. 21.6 is my number.
  15. ETC1337

    ETC1337 User

    Has CT's posted everyday this week right? Bout 11-12?
  16. Total earnings includes bonuses added into the hit worth but that may be good since some pay that way.

    Roughly .06 for me. I do too many .02 hits but I like short hits in large batches, long as worth it.
  17. Its the dollar amount you have made on MTurk divided by the total amount approved so far.

    My average pay per hit would be a grand total of...

    "drum roll"

    $0.22 a hit!
  18. 15.5ยข per HIT for me.

    Also, hello, happy Friday, beautiful people.
  19. No surprise mine is 25 cents per HIT

    No quals here
  20. ETC1337

    ETC1337 User

    Got to discover this great guy from AJ's (Corrupts song choice) music hits last night...thanks

    One of his songs...cant get enough of it for some reason

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