Can't Find Lucrative HITs? 1/28 Tantalizing Thirst for Thursday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Jan 28, 2016.

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  1. As long as you're buying.
  2. A virtual party

    No one's paying for anything
  3. Boooo
  4. I buy for a party *checks bank account* people are ok with 3 generic 3 liter bottles of root beer right? Oh and 2 bags of off brand doritoes.
  5. WCH

    WCH User

  6. I haven't had root beer in four years

    I'm gonna go CRAZY
  7. At least you're putting in the effort. That's what's important.
  8. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    I'll bring the Shiner Bock.
  9. I try, I really do. Funny thing is all my friends are shit(exceptionally cheaper than the above). Example I coughed up 140$ for seafood for me and my brothers bday last year and fucking NO one out of 20 poeple showed up with any food to add or a gift of any kind.

    I mean really, fucking rude man.
  10. I can't even imagine showing up for a birthday with nothing. I would just lie and avoid going if I couldn't afford a gift.
  11. RoastTurk

    RoastTurk User

    sounds suspiciously like
  12. I've never bought any of my friends gifts

    Getting to see me is their gift
  13.'s like getting Yamcha every bday...theres no return policy on that is there?
  14. WCH

    WCH User

    Unlike real gifts, we can't take you back to the store and turn you in for something that we want.
  15. All I wanted to do was party

    Now you guys are trying to return me like a toaster
  16. Wanted to trade you for a Chiaotzu because at least he's terrifying to children. Standing around Yamcha is like having a constant wave of depression and failure wash over exactly like living in clevleand now that I think about it...
  17. WCH

    WCH User

    Hey now, you're the one who compared yourself to a toaster. I was at least thinking along the lines of a toaster oven or a cheap microwave. If you need somebody to talk to about your self esteem issues, feel free to PM B.
  18. I think I might be the only one here who understands your references.
  19. If I make one person smile or lulz then it was all worth it.
  20. [​IMG]
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