Can't Find Awesome HITs? 2/5 Freaky Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Turker2013, Feb 5, 2016.

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  1. Hajime

    Hajime User

    Title: Work on a task for as long as you want as Part 1 of 2-part study ($1.01, + $2.00 Bonus for Part 2) | PANDA
    Requester: Shereen Chaudhry [A2CTWCEIZQIQZP] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.60 Communicativity
    4.55 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    5.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 24
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: The first part of this two-part study involves working on a task as long as you want task. In the second part, you will be able to message a partner in a survey.
    Time: 1 day 12 hours
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $1.01
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 50, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
  2. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

  3. alk65

    alk65 User

    Cathy Cox doesn't love me. I've never done even one of her surveys. As soon as input my age, I'm shown the door--Nay, the door is thrown open and I'm booted out into the cold. Apparently she has the same ideology as the medical profession:"If you're old, you don't count anymore. Let um die". Well, listen up! The grey segment of the population is expanding at a remarkable rate. And we still buy, still vote and can still fire off small weapons. Just to cap off a lovely evening, that CSCLabs tried to expire on me, so I submitted it early with my ID and sent an email later with the code. I hope I don't regret that, too......So there, I'm done. I'm going back to bed.........Oh, and have a nice evening, everyone.
  4. alk65

    alk65 User

    Sorry, I now see that it's actually morning. Perhaps I am old....and crotchety......have a nice morning everyone.
  5. Hajime

    Hajime User

    If it makes you feel any better it looks like her TO is awful so I don't know if you really missed out on much.
  6. academy600

    academy600 Member

    I am new.. and just worked on a $7.50 HIT for University of Queensland. I went through the entire survey and was not able to enter code at the end of survey because the main AMT page timed out. I have the id number and my completion code. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  7. I woke up to the $20 HIT in my queue. It had two hours left on its 5-hour timer. So I go to open it with the link and got "Survey no longer active." Fuuuuuck. Guess I'll just hope to catch it again at this point.
  8. Hajime

    Hajime User

    I'd say to contact them and let them know and requesters are usually ok about it and will put up a make-up hit or something like that but I can't find their ID number in order to send a message =\
  9. alk65

    alk65 User

    People don't like the unpaid screeners. Most of these children still expect to be paid for their time. They haven't learned yet that that's not the way the world works. Women, artists and the self-employed are not paid for their time-- they're lucky to be paid for their work. As for unpaid screeners, that's usual for surveys out there online. You are often screened out--repeatedly.
  10. Message the requester and explain the timer was short but you still got a code. Hope they'll set up a dummy hit for you. They don't have to but they may.
  11. If it was for ESC labs his requester Id=A1U8RL0GPUGR86 also his email is

    ...Also, when I did it, I had 40 seconds left on my timer when I submitted it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2016
  12. Hi, and welcome!

    Here is the requester's email:

    Tell them what happened, and request a dummy HIT or something similar.

    I had to submit mine without the code because the HIT would have expired like yours did. I emailed them the code and am awaiting a response. It should be fine because you did finish the survey and they didn't put a long enough timer on the HIT (which I complained to them about).

    EDIT: OK, I see you are getting different ways to contact them. Mine was off of the consent form. Try them all if you feel like it. You should get paid for the work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2016
  13. academy600

    academy600 Member

    Thank you! But I cannot find the requester. I have searched Queensland and University of Queensland and also I don't see the survey listed. Thanks. P.S. I dont know what a dummy hit is.. This was about an hour long.
  14. Look at my reply above for the email address to contact the requester. It's straight off of the consent form at the beginning of that survey. I always copy it in case there are problems.

    A dummy HIT is where they set up a HIT just for you (or just for people that had problems). They may say "for (MTurk ID #) only", or something similar. That way you can accept the special (dummy) HIT and get paid.
  15. Soooooooooooooooooooo much "testing"

    What are they testing?!?
  16. academy600

    academy600 Member

    Thank you so much! I was so happy to find that HIT this morning. Never had one for that much $$.
  17. alk65

    alk65 User

    slapchopped, that's what I'd like to know....and can I be a "tester"?
  18. WCH

    WCH User

    I'm actually totally cool with unpaid screeners, as long as they're reasonable. If you were taking the survey in-house, then they'd definitely interview you first, just to make sure that you actually satisfy the criteria that they're looking for.
  19. The $20 one?
  20. I don't qualify but maybe someone here is interested:

    Title: Rate job applicant responses(~ 150 minutes) | PANDA
    Requester: BI DR [A1MPIR92T83RF3] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    2.56 Communicativity
    3.50 Generosity
    3.67 Fairness
    3.27 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 76
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Rate the quality of job applicant responses to written questions
    Time: 3 days
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $17.00
    Qualifications: Exc: [-1566728396-6230] has not been granted; Total approved HITs is not less than 100; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 85; Location is one of: US
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