Surrealism Hits All Day 4/16 Saturday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by D1G1TALFOX, Apr 15, 2016.

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  1. BenSolo

    BenSolo User

    Anyone know how to adjust a shoulder? My right arm, mouse arm, is just jacked from the hours of turking this week. I don't even have full range of motion for my shoulder without pain and I usually get it to pop really good at least once when I work out really hard and once it does that theres no more pain and its perfectly normal. Tonight I just can't seem to get it to crack and its killing me :(

    Obviously it would have to be something i could do on my own, I have been doing shoulder focused yoga, stretching, and excercising it just won't loosen up tonight and I'm so tired trying all these random excercises until it pops. I just wish I could adjust it like I can a back or something

    Might just have to make the chiropracter a part of my regular schedule :S
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2016
  2. SunnyDays

    SunnyDays Banned

    What I do is grab like a pull up bar and hang a bit, I usually go out back and use the parking lot fence.
  3. BenSolo

    BenSolo User

    Oh thats a great idea, I forgot since I moved I havn't had a pull up bar. That might actually do the trick, I usually use them a lot
  4. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    I tore my glenoid labrum a few years back. I'd take it easy for a while, and see an orthopedic doctor if things don't improve. Shoulder injuries are still difficult to diagnose and treat. You don't want to end up with a long and painful recovery process.
  5. WCH

    WCH User

    What browser are you using? When I used Chrome, I had the exact same problem. I switched to Maxthon Cloud, and that seemed to straighten out my Scraper problems (at least for a while -- the new Scraper seems to have other, different issues, so I just downgraded and went on with my day).

    I do think that internet speed is also a major factor, though.
  6. BenSolo

    BenSolo User

    I am guilty of stubbornly sticking to chrome because I'm worried about reinstalling the scripts and changing my workflow. I had to start from scratch once before and my productivity was screwed for a few weeks. I am book marking this 'Maxthon cloud' and will give it a try at least for scraper. thanks :D
  7. WCH

    WCH User

    This isn't related to your problem, but my ears have been plugged up for almost a week. Every few hours they pop and I can hear again, but most of the day I end up being deaf in one ear and I can't hear out of the other. Google indicates that it's a sinus thing.

    So having tried all of the at-home remedies, I feel your pain. <3
  8. Val

    Val User

    My mTurk is having a similar lag problem as of tonight. When I accept a HIT, the timer doesn't start running up. After about a minute, it will go up to about 15 seconds. I'm wondering if that would cause rejections because some requesters reject if you HIT was done too fast. In my list of submitted HITs on my account page, I have a script that shows how long I spent on each HIT. A lot of the ones that I did for Haroon tonight say that I did them in 0 seconds.

    My pc doesn't seem to be running slow, nor is my fan running from too much usage. I closed and reopened my firefocks browser, but that didn't solve it. Any ideas?
  9. BenSolo

    BenSolo User

    Oh thank god, I think I figured it out. At least for tonight, I took my right arm held it at 12 o clock straight in the air, used my left hand and pressed on my right peck for a good 30 seconds then flexed and tensed my right arm while keeping it straight and moving it clockwise to 6 o clock with a jerk. Shoulder popped around 3 o clock as I brought it down. lol
  10. Val

    Val User

    My right side shoulder and neck would get really painful, achy and sore. What solved that problem for me was to use a little stand for my mouse. Instead of on my desk, with my arm sticking out on it, I keep the little stand right neckst to my chair (my 'ecks' key is devoted to left mouse button to keep my pointer finger from getting sore. I could pause the auto-hot key, but....) So, using my mouse right by my side, so my upper arm stays perpendicular to the floor... has completely resolved that problem for me. The stand is the same height as my armrest.
  11. BenSolo

    BenSolo User

    I'm sure this is the first thing you did but did you try plugging your nose and popping the sinus pressure like they tell you to do when you fly on an airplane? lol
  12. BenSolo

    BenSolo User

    That is EXACTLY what it is too, my mouse arm is always slightly forward to reach the pad.. I might need to make a rig of my own to fix this
  13. elt

    elt User

    look at your hits assigned page, that's the time requesters see.
    your clock must be 45 slower or faster than Amazon time
    try setting it 30 seconds ahead and refresh a HIt page and hits assigned.
  14. WCH

    WCH User

    I'd try running CCleaner and possibly Spybot. Those both usually speed things up for me. If that doesn't work, I'd just change browsers, to be honest.

    I'm probably actually one of the worst people to ask about this, because I'm a browser whore and I run my scripts on four browsers, on two different computers, so when a script breaks in Chrome, I just kind of say "fuck it, let's try it out in Firefox."
  15. LoyalWolf

    LoyalWolf User

    WCH, I'm not a medical doctor so please take my advice with a grain of salt.

    I grew up in a family were home remedies is all we had. I use to take a Garlic Clove and dip it into olive oil. Then, wrap it around with a cotton ball then stick that into your ear for about 15-30 minutes.

    I've also tried the one in which you close the door to your restroom. Cover the bottom to the door with the a towel to trap the hot air inside the bathroom. You turn on the hot water and make sure the room is steaming. DON'T put ANY WATER into your ear. Stay inside the room for 5-10 minutes.

    I hope you feel better. Ear aches suck! Ear aches and tooth ache at the same time are just horrible.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2016
  16. WCH

    WCH User

    Yeah, on the computer that I actually turk from, the clock is running at a slightly different time, so I frequently submit batch hits at the zero second mark, but requesters have ever complained. I can't promise that everybody else will have the same experience, but your explanation makes a lot of sense.
  17. db42

    db42 User

    While we're getting medical advice, which of you not doctors can tell me what to do so that if I get 7-9 hours a sleep a night I don't wake up feeling exhausted and so tired that after 2 cups of coffee I can lay down and go right to sleep?
  18. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    I take Unisom for a light sleeping medication when I don't want to use my prescribed stuff.
  19. db42

    db42 User

    I sleep really well, I think, the problem is I'm tired no matter how much or little sleep I get. I even quit drinking for 6 months and started eating healthier and exercising more and that didn't seem to help either.
  20. WCH

    WCH User

    I usually drink less booze or drink more coffee. Two cups is amateur shit.

    That's not medical advice, though.

    Edit: I hate when I'm talking shit and auto-correct changes amateur to armature, thus making me look like an idiot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2016
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