Discover Great HITs 6/21 Keeping Cool Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Flora, Jun 21, 2016.

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  1. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    3-4 mins

    Title: Take a survey and earn money
    Requester: Myojung [A3PSN1PJBIOULZ] (TO)
    TO Ratings:

    ★★★★★ 0.00 Communicativity
    ★★★★★ 5.00 Generosity
    ★★★★★ 5.00 Fairness
    ★★★★★ 5.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 5 | TOS Flags: 0
    Submit a new TO review
    Description: Give us your opinion about a social issue
    Time: 60 minutes
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $1.00
    Qualifications: Masters has been granted;HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95;Total approved HITs is greater than 50;Location is US

    D1G1TALFOX Banned

    Will be Nice to not have to dog sit, If I have a dog has to be my own to want to take care of it everyday . . .:cool:

    What's 4 Dinner . . .

    Thanks You always bring out my colorful side . . .:cool:

    I didn't make it out till later but I got it in my mind so will pick up box Tomorrow . . . .:cool:
  3. BenSolo

    BenSolo User

  4. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    No TO is the best TO
  5. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    I hope when Trump gets in he bans soccer from the US.
  6. B

    B User

    It really is the thinking mans game. Much like chess. I'm not surprised you don't understand the complexity or beauty of it.
  7. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    Completely. That's why it's so popular in countries with the lowest GDP and IQs in the world.
  8. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    It's not going away.

  9. B

    B User

    You probably enjoy barbaric sports like American football or NBA where people with IQ's of under 50 beat each other up and there is no strategy.
  10. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    And countries with the highest GDP and IQs. Don't forget about those.
  11. D1G1TALFOX

    D1G1TALFOX Banned

    I agree with this so much now, when I first started out There was a ton more work and I would always see b posting new req hits with no TO and be like you don't even know what your getting into

    Now I see good review TO hits and fell like I don't even know what I'm getting into, It's like New Req haven't had enough experience Screwing over turker's yet so there Very Generous . . .:cool:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2016
  12. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2016
  13. B

    B User

  14. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    They've leaked out to the US :eek:
  15. mboone73

    mboone73 User

  16. mboone73

    mboone73 User

  17. Dylan Rhodes can hit the road.
  18. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    Fuck off Dylan

    I had high hopes reading the title
  19. Cela

    Cela User

    Guess we're ending today at 85 :\
  20. D1G1TALFOX

    D1G1TALFOX Banned

    Let's Play some Chess sometime B Online . . . :cool:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2016
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