Finding Great HITs 6/28 Making Panda Latte Tuesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Flora, Jun 28, 2016.


Which voting method would you prefer?

  1. FPTP

    16 vote(s)
  2. IRV

    7 vote(s)
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  1. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    The drop down for the state is annoying.
  2. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    I was just saying earlier how I wish we could type them.
  3. Pucca

    Pucca User

  4. I make my living watching turkey leg operations all day there is a lot wrong with me trust me lol
  5. B

    B User

    I hate the fuckers who leave off the zip code. Like it costs that much money to add 5 digits to your shitty website.
  6. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    B, I need you to kill this batch a little faster bud.
  7. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    You've seen that too? I dunno wtf that shit is about. And if you're trying to grab it off FB, you have to go like 3 links deep just to get to it. #$@^$%^!!!
  8. Happy_Seal

    Happy_Seal User

    It's apparently a scam.
  9. Pucca

    Pucca User

    Really? How?
  10. jTurker

    jTurker User

    The seller has a 22% favorable rating, which is very bad most have high 90% Just read a couple of the ratings.
  11. Pucca

    Pucca User

    Oh, I see. I usually just buy direct from Amazon so I didn't even check that. I just saw all the stars from the product itself.
  12. Someone needs to go back to school and learn the difference between need and want...
  13. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    You want me to go to sleep?
  14. Need.
  15. I think after I started using sims cheats to make virtual tehapollo not need sleep it affected the real person...
  16. Pucca

    Pucca User

  17. Title: Like to travel? Answer a short survey on hotel & accommodation preferences | PANDA
    Requester: David Pascual [A3M7R1WYNW67RE] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    0.00 Communicativity
    5.00 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    3.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 3
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Give us your opinion on selecting accommodations for travel
    Time: 10 minutes
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $0.65
    Qualifications: Masters has been granted; HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 90

    3 min. There's another one if you travel to China.
  18. Happy_Seal

    Happy_Seal User

    I sent it to a few friends and someone pointed out the bad seller ratings. I didn't look into it really originally, just assuming it came from Fisher Price... but it's from some random seller. (That is clearly on the page- I just didn't see it originally) On Facebook people are saying their accounts got stolen- but IDK if I believe all that.
    Regardless- the seller has horrible reviews.
  19. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    Okay I'm getting a lot of bad ones now, good night!

    BTW hits are approving.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2016
  20. picsfromabove but too subjective for my taste
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