Shakespeare on Saturday with Great English Actors 4/29/2017

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by sks, Apr 29, 2017.

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  1. sks

    sks User

    Great English Actors doing Shakespeare on Saturday 4/29/2017

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2017
  2. wuroc15

    wuroc15 User

    lets get it
  3. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    Title: 5-Minute Consumer Experience Survey - 170429 | PANDA
    Requester: Zhongqiang Huang [A1C8ZTH39EDBSM] (Contact)
    (TO): [Pay: 2.31] [Fair: 4.78] [Comm: 1.00] [Fast: 4.61]
    Description: In this study, participants will be asked to respond to consumption and social experience questions. There are no right or wrong answers and we are only interested in what you would do in these situations.
    Time: 60 minutes
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $0.50
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 5000; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 98; Location is US;

    Good morning. Forgot to time it, but <5 minutes.
  4. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    Title: Consumer Opinions | PANDA
    Requester: Chiara Longoni [A1ZE1GQMC0MYKV] (Contact)
    (TO): [Pay: 4.38] [Fair: 5.00] [Comm: 0.00] [Fast: 5.00]
    Description: Short academic survey about consumer opinions (avg time 2-3 minutes)
    Time: 40 minutes
    HITs Available: 13
    Reward: $0.30
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is greater than 1000; HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 98; Location is US;
  5. alk65

    alk65 User

    Well, that's the 2nd survey I've returned today that wants me to fill up boxes with words. The other 2 I actually did. I need a grilled cheese sandwich and another cold coffee. Today looks like a 6 cent house categorization kinda least that requires no brains...or sore knuckles.
  6. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Under 2 min

    Title: Answer a survey about policies and elections | PANDA
    Requester: Kaylee Johnson [AQOWVGRRS3PWY] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    0.00 Communicativity
    4.00 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    5.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 2
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: I am interested in finding out your views about economic policies and elections (ten minute survey)
    Time: 30 minutes
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $0.30
    Qualifications: Location is US
  7. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Writing. Basically one question up front.

    Title: Writing About Loneliness | PANDA
    Requester: Curtis Roth [A1SBUYRH4HKIG7] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    0.00 Communicativity
    5.00 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    5.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 3
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Write about your experiences with loneliness online
    Time: 60 minutes
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $0.50
    Qualifications: Masters has been granted
  8. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2017
  9. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

  10. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

  11. gman42

    gman42 User

    I got two 2-minute writing tasks right up front with this one, not sure if different versions.
  12. I wonder if they are ever going to give out Masters again. :(
  13. alk65

    alk65 User

    ''Write about your experiences with loneliness online''? So, let's see. I post and the forum dies for a hour and a half. ''I'm so lonely I could cry''....or maybe not. Another write for us for free(basically) survey. And for sure, not about anything a'tall of interest to me. Requesters, if you want me to write(which is, to me, a creative endeavor), you should pay me a writers wage. And don't tell me it's to set a mood--you don't want to be involved in my mood....back to the haunted houses from hell, and the mansions we can't have, at 6 cents a pop.
  14. parro

    parro User

    Great photos! That's a very early one of Olivier, maybe 1940. Is that Daniel Day Lewis on top?
    You might also do Sir Ralph Richardson and John Gielgud next time. I'm rarely up at 3 AM any more, trying to normalize my sleep/wake cycle.
  15. parro

    parro User

    Great photos! That's a very early one of Olivier, maybe 1940. Is that Daniel Day Lewis on top?
    You might also do Sir Ralph Richardson and John Gielgud next time. I'm rarely up at 3 AM any more, trying to normalize my sleep/wake cycle.
  16. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    If you just started doing this a month ago, how did you know it's been a while?
  17. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    And he logs off...
  18. I didn't log off. :)

    From everything I've heard across the multiple forums, they haven't release any new Master qualifications since late 2015 or early 2016.
  19. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

  20. It would be really nice if Amazon would actually make some QoL improvements. As long as their ridiculous system has been around, with virtually no improvements, they could make some major improvements with minimal effort (and maybe the consultation of some of the people who have created the scripts we use to make it better) and actually make more money. Instead of just jacking rates up and hoping that requesters stay.

    But you know, that's just common sense. Hell, I have no business degree at all but I see that when corporations prioritize short-term over long-term, it rarely ends well.
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