Where Dem HITs At? 05/11 Tooth-Brushing Too Wet Tired-Of-Homework Thursday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, May 11, 2017.

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  1. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    I'm good. I'm having a nice break from the headaches the past few days. Taking it easy.

    How you doing? Won't be long before it's Friday.
  2. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    I'm alright. Can't say I've had a break though.
  3. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    So nice not to get those pop up ads anymore. What a relief. They were terrible.
  4. mboone73

    mboone73 User


    Hi girls.
  5. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    Hello again. You already said hey to me tonight.
  6. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    The Rockets are getting blown out, I've been drinking, and math is hard.
  7. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    My son is in honors math in middle school and I can't even help him with his homework.
  8. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    I had the same problem with my sister when she was growing up. Can you help me with my calculus homework? What's calculus?

    Nice Pig.

  9. Hey Shadow, are you around?
  10. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    I had the same thing. Now my son is taking Calculus II in college. He enjoys it. I hate math with a passion.
  11. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    I prefer numbers to words, but I still don't know what the hell calculus is.
  12. It was the math created to determine the area below a wave on a graph.
  13. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

  14. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    I used to study the effect of acoustic waves waves on different formations below ground. Still don't know what calculus is.
  15. Hi Jenni. Fancy pearls.
  16. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    Did you miss my selfie earlier?
  17. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    We all saw it.

  18. Probably. How have you been how is the office?
  19. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    The office is super fucking awesome. Not. Sorry I was busy doing mom things.
  20. Lemme know if you need to blow off some steam lol
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