Finding Great HITs 04/25 Wonderful Wintry Well-Done Wednesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Apr 25, 2018.

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  1. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    My son just got some coupons for that. He hasn't tried it yet. Let me know how you like it.

    Just got back from picking up Papa Murphy's today's deal of a large pepperoni for $4.25.
  2. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    What a shame. That looks like a good batch. :crying:

    schlep likes this.
  3. elt

    elt User

    unless they changed,
    greater than 99% is real 100%, no rejections
    probably requester didn't think it though,
    might be worth an email if you wanted to do the hits
    Daiko and schlep like this.
  4. schlep

    schlep User

    Well then the guys at 1k+ with no rejects are having a field day. I watched it slowly climb to's at 5k now an hour later. Looking at it, I'm guessing the batch is paying at least $60/hr.
  5. parro

    parro User

    I'm 99.48. Who is it?
  6. schlep

    schlep User

  7. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    It's gone already. I wonder if they were pulled.

    Oh never mind, it's up. It didn't show up for me at first.
  8. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Title: Food or not food | PANDA
    Requester: ComoComo [A18XX79JT6K8LG] (Contact)
    TV: [Hrly: $9.82] [Pay: 3.00] [Fast: null] [Comm: null] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Blk: 0]
    TO: [Pay: 3.29] [Fast: 4.73] [Comm: 2.00] [Fair: 4.36] [Reviews: 17] [ToS: 0]
    No Reviews
    Reward: $0.08
    Duration: 1 hour
    Available: 4577
    Description: Please view and provide 3 tags for an image
    Requirements: Total approved HITs GreaterThan 1000; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 99
  9. How can you not be qualified at 99.9, if it's 99% or greater? Someone should contact them and tell them no one can do their hits.
    Mind Dagger likes this.
  10. Paleface

    Paleface User

    If you have the qual, this is easy 6 min.

    Title: Tell Us About You (2018 Round 10 Survey) | AcceptA
    Requester: Brandon Ferrell [A2ETIOS10CN0U4] Contact
    TV: [Hrly: $13.68] [Pay: 4.36] [Fast: null] [Comm: null] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Blk: 0]
    TO: [Pay: 3.79] [Fast: 4.83] [Comm: 4.59] [Fair: 4.87] [Reviews: 112] [ToS: 3]
    TO2: [Hrly: $12.27] [Pen: 3.00 days] [Res: ---] [Rec: 100% of 1] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0]
    Duration: 5 days
    Available: 1
    Description: Complete a survey about your attitudes and behaviors.
    Requirements: 2018 Survey EqualTo 99
  11. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Apparently some are doing them. Numbers are dropping slowly. They're having a field day.
    ohsostrange likes this.
  12. Paleface

    Paleface User

    I'm at 99.9855% and can't do those. :no:

  13. im not able to do them :tears:
  14. parro

    parro User

    I don't qual :-(
  15. I'll let you know Flora. Might pair it with an orange cream shake
    Daiko and Flora like this.
  16. MTurk really needs to fix the Great than 99% problem because I'm sure a lot of requesters don't know that it's gonna keep that has well people like me that have 96,659 approved HITs but only143 rejections. Otherwise why not just make it approval rate 100% if that's what you really want.
    Daiko likes this.
  17. And I just emailed them explaining why it's impossible for anyone to keep 100% approval rating for long, so no one could do these. :rolleyes:

    I should have remembered some people do make it to a thousand hits without running afoul of a single scammer. Slapping self on forehead...
  18. parro

    parro User

    That's beside the point. Over 99% can still be less than 100. I have their TO, but I can't contact them. It's not working in my MTS. Give me the whole URL
    Daiko likes this.
  19. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    FYI: If you click HIT Details on the top left of that link, there's 'contact requester' in the drop down on the bottom left.

    Also another way if you have MTS, in the Hit Finder, right click with the mouse on the requester's name will have 'contact requester' on the mouse pop up.
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