Finding Great HITs 08/04 Stiff Skepticak Soliloquy Saturday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Aug 4, 2018.

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  1. myopia

    myopia User

    Title: Complete a <2min Google Form to Register for a Future HIT on Monday August 6th, 2018 to earn $21 | PANDA
    Requester: Stanford HCI [A2OBPXCZ1Q3PFU] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    ★★★★ 4.92 Communicativity
    ★★★★ 4.24 Generosity
    ★★★★★ 5.00 Fairness
    ★★★★ 4.81 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 45 | TOS Flags: 0
    Submit a new TO review
    Description: Complete a <2min Google Form to Register for a Future HIT on Monday August 6th, 2018 to earn $21
    Time: 180
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $0.50
    Qualifications: hasBanged DoesNotExist ;Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 500;Location EqualTo US

    A bit confusing and short timer. You have to send them an email as part of it. (They don't really say what needs to be in the email, but presumably something so they know which email goes with which HIT!)
  2. :goodluck:
    Flora likes this.
  3. sek351

    sek351 User

    Title: Watch a 1-2m video and share your opinions! | Accept
    Requester: NEL Research [AQ2Q5N2WJZS9W] Contact
    TV: [Hrly=$6.46] [Pay=2.24] [Fast=5.00] [Comm=null] [Rej=0] [ToS=0] [Blk=0]
    TO: [Pay=3.20] [Fast=4.88] [Comm=4.00] [Fair=5.00] [Reviews=13] [ToS=0]
    TO2: [Hrly=3.62] [Pen=0.56 days] [Res=null] [Rec=75%] [Rej=0] [ToS=0] [Brk=0]
    Reward: 0.25
    Duration: 900
    Available: 289
    Description: Watch a short video and answer a quick survey on a current topic.
    Qualifications: 488f6f813e4d45a7ad33756de096bae2 DoesNotExist ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; Location EqualTo US
  4. Title: Visual perception(~ 5 minutes) | PANDA
    Requester: Carolyn Keller [A1N561U18SGN8I] (Req TV): $16.86/hr
    (TO): [Pay: 3.22] [Fair: 4.33] [Comm: 5.00] [Fast: 4.17]
    Evaluate eight pictures of animals and answer some questions about yourself
    Time: 25 minutes(s)
    HITs Available: 12
    Reward: $0.75
    Qualifications: Exc: [693466614-100800] DoesNotExist ; Location In US;
  5. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Thanks. I already hate the weekly SurveyComet, I don't know why I'm doing least it pays more.

  6. Title: Psychology study, MEN ONLY: judgments of familiar things (15-20 minutes) | PANDA
    Requester: Kara Weisman [A13EP1HO0F4GX] (Req TV): N/A
    (TO): [Pay: 3.81] [Fair: 4.68] [Comm: 5.00] [Fast: 5.00]
    Complete a psychology study (15-20 minutes). This study is for men only. There is another version available for women - please contact the requester if you have any trouble finding it.
    Time: 2 hour(s)
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $2.90
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 50; Location In CAUS; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95;
  7. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Seeker Vayne likes this.
  8. Looks painful I tossed it back.
    Flora likes this.
  9. myopia

    myopia User

    Complete a psychology study (15-20 minutes). This study is for men only. There is another version available for women - please contact the requester if you have any trouble finding it.

    Everyone email and say you can't find it. Because $2.90 surveys stay up for hours and all. Not milliseconds.

    (Then there is that NEL Research one, who is optimistically expecting 7000+ people to do their 25 cent survey, and is being a pain in the ass trickling a few more in or something to keep it at the top of scraper. Blocklist time.)
  10. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    That feeling after finishing the $30 HIT...


    I think it was worth it. If you have done Prescience it'll be easier.
    Seeker Vayne, Concise and myopia like this.
  11. myopia

    myopia User

    It has a perfectly good 72 hour timer. I feel obligated to take full advantage of that.

    Unfortunately, never even heard of Prescience until now.
    Flora likes this.
  12. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Prescience is the same website we have been using for our weekly SurveyComet so you'll be familiar with it. Exact the same thing. You'll know your way around it.

    I wanted to wait til the last minute too but glad I got it over with.
    myopia likes this.
  13. myopia

    myopia User

    That's good then. Just wasn't familiar with the name.

    Of course I still need to do my SurveyComet. It just wouldn't feel like Saturday without that. Don't think I can handle both in one day.
  14. schlep

    schlep User

    How long did it take you?
  15. myopia

    myopia User

    Eek. Now I am going to hate my surveycomets even more.

    Just looked at those help files the HIT links to. That is absolutely nothing like what I get from SurveyComet. The thing SurveyComet gives me is damn near useless. It does explain how some people finish their SurveyComets so quickly though.
  16. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Couldn't say. I let it sit all day then did it bits here and there. Probably depends how much research you do, just like the weekly ones.
    schlep likes this.
  17. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Yeah I had to learn some new things in that Prescience website but at least I knew my way around it from the weekly ones. It was bit confusing to me. My first instinct was to return it but I stuck through it. Hated it just the same. :yuck:
  18. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Just caught it. Took me 13 min. Realized it was $5.00 before from the TO if that's the same one. :crying:

    EDIT: Already approved..
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2018
  19. myopia

    myopia User

    Caught it. Screened out. Hate wasting panda time on crap like that.
  20. schlep

    schlep User

    Were you able to choose an indicator when making a new rule? All I get is "--choose--" in the dropdown menu
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