Funicular heavy industries

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by WorknTurk, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. WorknTurk

    WorknTurk New Member

    ok who the fuck are these people and why are they only qualifying people from tn????

    usually i just lurk on the board w/o an account but now i notice they have a $250 for some "frb" (r they like a mod on tn or something??? why so high) and tons of $50 and $40 hits for other people...moniquitta...kate...ygnd.......wth? how can i get into these hits? i tried messaging them yesterday or so and they said it was 4 tn chat room members or something...

    im really fucking pissed that they only want tn members :mad:
    does anyone know how to get into these? im banned from tn long story
  2. frb

    frb New Member

    [post redacted]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2012
  3. chaos

    chaos User

    Honestly? They are looking for a particular group of people for the HITs that they put up, and that group of people are those who live in Tennessee. Any employer (and let's face it, MTurk requesters ARE employers) has the right to hire people who live within a certain region. I'm not sure what there is to be upset about.
  4. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    The qualification is for people from TurkerNation (TN). Now, I don't know if they live in Tennessee -- but the names given for the qualifications are their TN forum names.

    TN doesn't mean Tennessee in this case because I can request qualification - I don't "not" qualify because of my current location.
  5. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Another member already brought this up, few threads down. They suggested writing a nice message stating other workers can be found -- and maybe the requester will open up to the possibility with future HITs.
  6. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    Yep - certain of those people are self-avowed Canadians, so there isn’t even a US location requirement.

    Why did we start another thread on this?
  7. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Because certain people are haters, and can't handle the fact that others have taken the time to prove their level of cooperation and expertise and are being rewarded handsomely for it. Some people want the moon handed to them on a silver platter, but instead of working for it, they'd rather sit around bitching about how someone else got it. How's that working out, guys?
  8. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    C'mon, booty. Don't just pop over to stir the pot. I know it's fun but wouldn't sg be crackin the whip for wasting the time?
  9. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Sorry babes, not here to stir the pot as you say. JS, I think it's dumb to rip this requester a new asshole like that just because they choose workers with a certain reputation. You might think those workers are anal, controlling, etc, but they have a track record that proves they can be trusted.

    And IDK who sg is, but I enjoy a good whipping.
  10. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    sg = spamgirl

    I don't think they're anal and controlling. I think they're...what's the name of the squirrel on Ice Age? Always looking for nuts? They're that guy =) And sometimes it makes them a lil single-minded. Not their fault, the environment promotes that. They serve a good purpose, I just choose to not be a part of it.

    I'll spar with ya any day, just beware that you may win most of the time.
  11. Slicer

    Slicer User

    If this guy's dumb enough to trust results from people on Turker Nation, he deserves what he gets.
  12. Khalinov

    Khalinov User


    Someone has certainly been drinking the TN kool-aid.
  13. chaos

    chaos User

    OK, that makes a little more sense I guess. I just assumed TN was for the state.

    Either way, they are well within their right to open their hits to whoever they choose.
  14. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Yeah. It actually happens a lot but the others are smarter about it re: pay and qualifications set. Dude's not very ninja-like and that's always sad.
  15. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    I'm just saying, it's piss poor attitudes from people this THIS and the OP that make quality requesters go running for the hills. You're the same people that WANTED these HITs, but since you didn't get your way, you're gonna throw a hissy fit. Wow, I wonder why he picked the other forum..

    If that's considered sipping TN kool-aid, fill me up.
  16. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    Your trolling of this board displays that same piss-poor attitude, doesn’t it? Of course it does.

    As more people from this board contact FHI, I expect to see opportunities for us as well. They have told me so via email and I have no reason to doubt them.

    Now kindly go back to your toxic little community.
  17. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Again, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not here to troll. I'm normally a self-turker & lurker, not part of the other forum as I'm not big on rules. I like reading this forum but I see some people that are grossly misinformed and thought I'd maybe lend a hand?

    As for FHI coming here, that's fantastic news for everyone. I know I'd love to get a piece of those HITs. The difference is, I'm not going to sit around and call the requester an idiot for choosing to work with whom he pleases. Oh, but if he does come here and you give him your ID to get qualified, he'll be able to see all the negative posts about him. So those that had your little temper tantrums, I wouldn't get your hopes up. :)
  18. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    If you had bothered to read the other thread, you would realize that FHI has been getting IDs from us already.

    Go away, troll.
  19. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Ah but the dude you're talking to isn't the temper tantrum type. He previously started a less inflammatory thread about this very requester -- with a hope that others would calmly write to the requester seeing about HITs being opened to others, as well.

    I disagree about people here being grossly misinformed. This is their place to hash through it. Without having to read dozens of OT threads.

    Here's different from there because requesters go there. Some requesters do make it to this forum but it's not an every day thing. That's fine by me. I'd much rather be here (without restrictions) than there and just have a BS overload every day. It's a personal choice. And yes, you were troll-ish with your second post. But hey, people are allowed to get pissed off and you're allowed to try and push their buttons. For some people, it's fun.
  20. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

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