Leave Mturk, join Odesk

Discussion in 'General' started by shariqueahmer, Aug 30, 2012.

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  1. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    I was referring to this post he made in another thread but I can see your point.

  2. shariqueahmer

    shariqueahmer Banned

    Whatever pays you more, you should go for that but I think mturk is not at all suitable for indians. Even the transcription companies like Speechink or Castingwords on mturk pay only $15 an hour. I hate them for these. I always aim for atleast $30 a day.
  3. petegq

    petegq User

    Americans arent getting rich off mturk, you make it seem like we're living off it, it's just chump change. I will however take a look at odesk.
  4. petegq

    petegq User

    I sense a crowdsource SPY! Lol jk
  5. I looked into it and for us US workers it seems like it could potentially pay more, but it's more restrictive work. I'm sure more than most contractors hire internationally so they can get away with paying less.
  6. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Just an FYI... I have no problem living off it. You just have to know the right requesters to do and the right ones not to do.
  7. Oh, I see.
  8. petegq

    petegq User

    I'm sorry but the only type of person I see living off mturk is a dude living with his mommy lol. There is way too many bills an average american has to pay.
  9. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Well, my son does live with me but he is too young to turk. :lol:
  10. shariqueahmer

    shariqueahmer Banned

    Odesk is like a wormhole which has bridged the intergalactic distance between employers in US and the workers in India bringing happiness and prosperity to all. While Mturk is like a blackhole ending into the devils lair.

    While I'm going all gaga about Odesk, my only advice to beginners on Odesk is to stick around and browse the site, sniff around, get the clues and hints and surely you will have a fantastic Odesk career.

    There is a lot of marketing element on how you will get the job on Odesk.
  11. petegq

    petegq User

    LMAO At the beginning of your statement L-M-A-O
  12. I'll be sure to sniff around, but so far it looks flat dim. What is the most you've made per hour?
    And earlier you discouraged me from working there as I am a US worker, now this seems to have changed :eek:
  13. Does Odesk pay thru paypal ? Just curious
  14. shariqueahmer

    shariqueahmer Banned

    Odesk pays through:
    1) paypal
    2) Direct bank deposit
    3) Skrill
    4) wire transfer
    5 western union

    and many more payment methods listed on their website but I don't remember all of them. One thing they don't do is to send you a lame check in an ordinary mail, hoping all the time that it gets lost.
  15. shariqueahmer

    shariqueahmer Banned

    I don't want to discourage you but I don't know exactly how many americans are getting job on Odesk, since if the american employers have to get the same done at the same higher payrate of $10 to $12 they would better get it done in America itself, as there are a lot of people willing to do the job as it matches their country's payrate.

    But there are a lot of americans who want to get the work done cheaply and so they come to Odesk, happy to pay $3 an hour to an indian like me than to pay at least $10 to an american.
  16. shariqueahmer

    shariqueahmer Banned

    At present, I never quote for more than $3 to $4 per hour since it's only been three months since I have joined Odesk, but there are indians and asians who have been in Odesk for more than a year now and now they are demanding at least $10 per hour due to the work experience and the positive feedback they have gained from other clients.

    It's very important to guard your feedback on Odesk because all the new potential employers first see your Odesk feedback. And to get a good feedback, do extremely good work for a client.
  17. jeevsud

    jeevsud Active Member

    Has anyone here actually made regular money on Odesk.
    I've been registered with them for a year now, and still no work offers, despite constantly modifying my profile.

    Anyone here currently doing regular work for them??
  18. shariqueahmer

    shariqueahmer Banned

    What is your hourly rate on Odesk.
  19. jeevsud

    jeevsud Active Member

    I normally quote between $2-$5
  20. alian1980

    alian1980 User

    Shariue, is this your profile on Odesk?


    The name matches, the hour rates match, the work-profile match BUT only 2 jobs and 27 hours completed in 3 months?? - We thought you said you work 10 hour daily and sometimes 15.

    If this is not your profile, post yours so everyone gets a sense of how much we can make.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2012
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