What if I know to use TO earlier

Discussion in 'General' started by Zhaozhen, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. petegq

    petegq User

    7400 penny hits is $74 cheap ass requester just pay the man
  2. petegq

    petegq User

    Are there any hits that allow a 57% rating ?
  3. Zhaozhen

    Zhaozhen User

    Nice one lol
  4. petegq

    petegq User

    I got your back bro I hope that prick is reading this forum as we speak.
  5. Zhaozhen

    Zhaozhen User

    Yeah I dont have that kind of passion and hope to do thousands of HITs.This is it
  6. Zhaozhen

    Zhaozhen User

    It seems that it is the time to say goodbye to mturk and all you warmheart guys.Thank you really really a lot.
    BTW mturk bend there knee to all the mean requesters. Sad for him and shame.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2012
  7. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    No. Amazon suspends you when you hit 70%. OP has already been suspended, nothing they can do now unless they can contact the requesters and get rejections reversed (and they have already been denied by one requester).
  8. rstokes

    rstokes User

    I had him "mass" reject me for only 7 that I did for him. Now I'm really glad that I didn't do anymore. I tried to contact him, but no response. I plan to stay away in the future.
  9. Maybe if you offered to pay the bastard back twice the cost of the hits, he'd agree to reverse the rejections? I doubt he'd go for it, but on the other hand, he is a thieving, scamming weasel. You'd be out a lot of money, but now that you know to use TO, you could earn it back in a couple of weeks.

    With your account suspended, there's no other way to dig your way out of the hole you're in. So short of begging and bribing this creep into reversing your rejections, yeah, I'd have to say you're done.

    I wish we could have been of more help. But that's turking for you...
  10. schlep

    schlep User

    It's easy to jump on the naive noob. A reputable company hosting what appears to be legit gigs for honest work. I can totally see someone with a hard work ethic going all out and piling up hits only to be defrauded by a shady businessman. You'd think Amazon would guard their reputation with more diligence.

    Sorry to read about your misfortune. Best of luck in your fight against the man.
  11. petegq

    petegq User

    Yea this guy sounds like bad news
  12. petegq

    petegq User

    That sucks
  13. Zhaozhen

    Zhaozhen User

    Comparing with 2400 rejections,376 didn't weight much.What I can do next is to make a deal with Alex Baron ,see if he can help me and I can pay him back.(too sad and ridiculous).
    And FYI: If he appoves the 7K HITs before the suspending my approval rate will get back to 95% which is decent rate for me.

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