Can't Find Good Hits? 6/17 Marathon Monday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by TurkingBear, Jun 17, 2013.

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  1. You make me cry cause I cant do them anymore :( I WANT TO BE PAID TO LOOK AT NAUGHTY PICS!!
  2. I don't think the skip limitation increases even with the subscription. Well mine didn't at least. . _ .

    Ever go on Grooveshark?
  3. themubs

    themubs User

    So only enter the email address right?
  4. jrknoch

    jrknoch User

    Check out

    The AHK in particular you have to download, try google to get the exact link. Then you create a script - the one people keep posting to the forum (there is a "search thread" if you need it). Save it, then start it up with AHK active, and open up the hit. Hit your buttons (for example, #1 means hold down Windows key and hit 1) Test it out BEFORE you accept the hit so that you don't accidentally submit an incomplete one.
  5. Did you read the auto hot key tutorial on the auto hot key page? The one that tells you how to put a script in and get it running?
  6. Jalisa7

    Jalisa7 User

    Come on, you can do it!! HAM up some of these UVMs. With 3 tabs open and the script, you can easily get 24 done waayyyy before 3am ;)
  7. Stop sucking. Do work better. Profit like a baws. ;)
  8. JuneB

    JuneB User

    Never heard of it :)
  9. mahasathya

    mahasathya User

    ya i did but it does not make any sense to me
  10. Which part didn't make sense?
  11. themubs

    themubs User

    For the product ads, am I just filling in email? The instructions say 'please only enter email' but if you dont enter anything else it gives errors.
  12. JennaC

    JennaC User

    I SOOOO Appreciate the Hype... however I have not even done one of the UVM's yet... :jaw::noidea:
  13. slowmotion

    slowmotion User

    yup, that's what its looking like. I'm dozing off so probably wont get on these. make sure you follow the guidelines though about what kind of email addys they want.

  14. Ahh you motivated me to do a few more before bed :)
  15. Kinda hard to suck when you are kicked out lol
  16. Jalisa7

    Jalisa7 User

    Give 'em a try then.
  17. jrknoch

    jrknoch User

    I haven't done any of them, but the instructions say "Please update the Email Addresses alone. You may leave Company name and phone number"
  18. justlookin

    justlookin User

    nvmd already answered above
  19. Ok... toss me some specific questions and I'll answer them for you. The tutorial is there to give you a general overview... I can answer straight questions on specific problems you are having. :) Tell me what you are trying to do, and what it is actually doing... what you are observing or whatever and I will work with you from there.
  20. mahasathya

    mahasathya User

    i have the script but where do i put it and how to get it running?
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