Can't Find Great HITS? Thursday 7/26: POWERFUL FRIDAY

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by jekjek, Jul 26, 2013.

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  1. ncbeachbum

    ncbeachbum User

    I'd find it hard to believe if I clicked on a CF link and there was work available. :\
  2. 666ggg

    666ggg User

    Thats what they say when they cut you off. I only got in 5. I equated nfl reg season with mnt bank stadium. Thats where the ravens play thier nfl reg season home games..I know..I live 30 miles from 4 bucks at 6;20 what the heck
  3. TimeSpills

    TimeSpills User

    I just got one rejection from TBG Digital for I don't know what.

    THe rejected one said my answers didn't pass the correctness test. If it was a similar hit, and it was a common sense styled question or something, I don't see why I would have gotten rejected. Well this sucks.
  4. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    small batch
    Title: Copy and Paste Data into Web Form
    Requester: Catalog Choice [A2EYHS1YSNWI5I] (TO)
    Description: Enter the data provided into the web page. This is an easy and fast HIT.
    Reward: $0.03
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    some people might say copy and paste is too much work for .03. But I find these less boring to do than some others plus they always within a day so I don't mind doing them. All you do is copy and paste the info from the left side into the right side.
  5. SnoAbyss

    SnoAbyss User

    Took me 14 minutes. Also approved less than a minute after I submitted it :)
  6. Binky

    Binky User

    Don't use up your HIT limit on penny batches :p

    Also, try not to just work for one requester. Use this opportunity to try out different types of HITs. Most people find that they have strong preferences for certain types of HITs.
  7. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Have you ever noticed how any hit that says "possible adult content" always go the fastest, no matter how much work and how little pay? Someone needs to get laid.
  8. stiricide

    stiricide User

    Good to know. Aaaaaand now I return to my regular ignoring of everything CF posts.
  9. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    2 per hit

    Title: Tell me what foods are in this picture - (WARNING: This HIT may contain offensive content. Worker discretion is advised.)
    Requester: DailyBurn [A24Z2YNEXGN5BM] (TO)
    Description: I need to know what foods are in this picture, try to state them as clearly as possible.
    Reward: $0.06
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is greater than 200, The DailyBurn Qualification Test is 1, HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    EDIT: they changed it from a few hours ago. now there's only 1 food per hit. even better.
  10. Binky

    Binky User

    OMG look at this HIT ;) it will be gone in seconds

    Title: Rate these nude pictures of Alex Skarsgård
    Requester: Fangtasia [A32TTE4XXN6MQZ] (TO)
    Description: Pam don't have time for this shit. Just do it.
    Reward: $2.00
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 50, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 85, Adult Content Qualification is 1
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​
  11. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

  12. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    FANGTASIA! Notice my avatar? I wonder if there's any naked Erics in there. It's a little early to be flooding the basement.
  13. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    My dumbass clicks on it and is wondering where's the naked eric, he doesn't speak arabic. :( :(
  14. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Title: Detect if a Profile Contains Spam - Task #1374835062
    Requester: Hyperion [A3RSXC99SWTLNV] (TO)
    Description: Browse a sample user profile and determine whether or not it contains spam
    Reward: $0.04
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 50, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    these aren't hard, but I don't really like them.
  15. Binky

    Binky User

    Best I can do

  16. TimeSpills

    TimeSpills User

    I don't like you anymore.
  17. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    I love when I'm in here talking to myself. Come on East Coasters wake up.
  18. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    I just realized the other day that he is in GaGa's Paparazzi video.
  19. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    These are probably good crowdsource hits. Too bad they are only for Canada.
    Title: Moderate: Videos for Violations of the Terms of Service (Less than 60 seconds!) (CA, Adult Content)
    Requester: CrowdSource [A2SUM2D7EOAK1T] (TO)
    Description: Watch a quick video and indicate if the video violates the Terms of Service.
    Reward: $0.10
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 1000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 98, Location is CA, Adult Content Qualification is 1
    Link: undefined
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​
  20. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    This has 2 bad TO from people who couldn't get the survey to load. They have it fixed now. It's finally working.

    Title: Indoor Spatial Cognition Experiment - 5
    Requester: Altman [A3UELRWMNBEIKC] (TO)
    Description: You need to identify the location of a picture on a floor map.
    Reward: $0.10
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys ��[/size]​

    edit: I returned it. too much of a cluster **** for ten cents.
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