Can't Find Great Hits? 8/07: Dolphin is Scared

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by freedolphin, Aug 6, 2013.

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  1. So do you have to request masters or do you wake up one day and Amazon tells you that you have it?
  2. vex

    vex User

    get around 5k hits, don't turk often, do 2 hits a day, get masters
  3. Yes.
  4. Kights

    Kights User

    That's my theory as well, unfortunately I'm too poor to try it out
  5. I am guessing yes to the you just wake up and you have it.
  6. Kittycatt

    Kittycatt User

    Lucky! Third time trying it, can't seem to get past 297.. Not sure how any other ratings could fit besides what I am putting. :/
  7. hBoBh

    hBoBh User

    Those are the ones I've been chipping away at all night *sigh*
  8. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

  9. Kights

    Kights User

    cherry-pickers are annoying, everytime gaddy's are up, people return the crappy one and send my c4c on the fritz trying to sing ch ch changes over and over.
  10. MASTERS: Write a short summary of product or company LESS THAN 80 characters

    Seem cool, don't take long but I'm a bit nervous and the number doesn't go down, though don't see any way they could be majority rules on written text. Think they just want a bunch of different takes or something. Still non-mindless stuff make me nervous with new requesters.
  11. craftyturk

    craftyturk User

    Took me 10 min.
  12. jrknoch

    jrknoch User

    I like this but no TO and I'm once bitten twice shy... The guy from 2 weeks ago who said he was working on reversing my 20 rejections still hasn't done it.
  13. Kights

    Kights User

    The narwhalicorn is here, someone man the harpoon.
  14. [​IMG]
  15. tewuj

    tewuj User

    Are the song hits from Project RnR worth it? Do they have a high reject rate? I know TO doesn't say anything but it's almost all for their other hits.
  16. I'm scared
  17. John

    John Banned

    They dont reject but they will revoke quals
  18. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Come on son! Sometimes you just have to cherry pick. Like when you're doing a Jon Brelig receipt.. you want to enter 60 items and their prices for $0.06?
  19. inclination

    inclination Member

    from what people say here, projectrnr doesnt reject they just remove quals.
  20. Yeah, I want to do a bunch, but would suck to get a bunch of rejects for something vague like "not what we wanted" or some crap like that. I'm making sure they're in the character count and on topic but a couple more will be 20 of them so might leave it at that. I got a big cushion but I hate rejects on my dashboard. It's good money but...
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