Can't find GREAT HITs? Twerk Team Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Lori1985, Aug 13, 2013.

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  1. D-Stacks

    D-Stacks User

    I've been stuck in Andy K land all day. Anything else interesting going on besides taste?
  2. WharfRat

    WharfRat User

    Yeah, got the email about an hour and a half ago. Took the test yesterday.
  3. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    Giphy pls
  4. zingy

    zingy Guest

    and just passed $100, no slowing down now

    $200 before dat time switch, lesgo!
  5. jrknoch

    jrknoch User

    So glad there's a "Memes" category on these Giphys.

    *edit* Also I think "Home Video" is a new subcat as well. Yay!
  6. Aurica

    Aurica Turker of the Month

    I'm only at $60

    dat 100 qual

  7. anybody got a link to the acme? so i can C4C it?
  8. How Zingy lookin' right now...

  9. ChetManley

    ChetManley User

  10. zartonis

    zartonis User

    There are around 4,000 or so 11223344s if you've got the qual.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2013
  11. Jalisa7

    Jalisa7 User

    Halfway to my goal. I wish TOTW would never end.
  12. OK this is the email I got:

    Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

    You have been granted the following Qualification:
    - Background questions for CATS, with a score of "100"

    Qualifications you earn allow you to complete new kinds of HITs. Each Qualification has a score associated with it. You can complete HITs for which you have the required Qualifications and a sufficiently high score.

    I was able to do Wave #1, but I can't do anymore cause it says I need the qual. Do I have to pass #1 before I get to do the rest? or?
  13. mints

    mints User

  14. supmeh

    supmeh User

    Anyone ever run into this error with Movie Enquirer?

    Hoping it clears up, but it's been on my assigned HIT's all day so not too much time left to wait :(
  15. meryl

    meryl User

    Did Math Hits get put up today? Or did I miss it.
  16. [video=youtube;Xx6Hr5iLJo8][/video]

    Jus cause Im high on life, remembered this and figured its ok to laugh!

  17. Once your Wave 1 is approved, you should be eligible for the rest.
  18. ChetManley

    ChetManley User

    5pm (single HIT) and 8pm (batch) Eastern time.
  19. Requester said there will be enough hits for everyone who gets the qual to do all 8 and the first one paid within 24 hours, so unless you need the money ASAP you don't have to push yourself to do more today.
  20. PhilGil

    PhilGil User

    Nevermind, blackarcher beat me to it.
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