Can't Find GREAT HITS?! 8/15 - Turk Hard Thursday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Ursa Major, Aug 15, 2013.

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  1. jklmnop

    jklmnop User

    I can't take triptans because I get mild serotonin syndrome from them or whatever it's called when you feel like your whole body is going to heat up and tingle and explode and then have mood swings as that's happening. (No, not orgasms.) They produce a scary reaction that is far worse than the migraine, meh.

    This shit sounds silly but it can alleviate symptoms:

    - massage the space between your big toe and second toe. Don't be afraid to really dig in there. I don't know why this works but it does give temp. relief.
    - mustard powder foot bath. Total PITA but helps when I have enough energy to leave the dark room and do it. Otherwise it's just OTC migraine ****tails, coffee, and darkness, but seriously try the toe thing.

    ******* hormones.

  2. I think it's my favorite! Especially Spike's song ^_^
  3. craftyturk

    craftyturk User

    I have to say, the requester for the CATS hits already responded to my email. In the middle of the test, my computer crashed and when I brought it back up, my timer reset and I had to reenter the answers to test 4. I have no idea if my other answers went through. He assured me he would check everything tomorrow when he goes through the HITs. Seems like a solid requester! Worth the hour of my life and headache to boot.
  4. No, Georgia will be one of the last states to get Medicinal Marijuana =(. I guess that's something else i can spend time crying about.
  5. The problem is everyone is looking for all the minimum values to match. IE no one under 6K gets it etc. But it's a points system. You get points based on how many hits done, points for how many rejects, how many hits done in a certain time frame how many rejects in a certain time frame, separate points for all the different rate some things having more value than others, activity level, etc. You need a total points value of at least a certain amount so one thing could be very low if everything else is high. That's my theory but no one likes it because it makes sense.
  6. I screwed up on some of the daily clicks because I had to consider west coast time. So, even though I clocked in, (as I called it), I got the wrong...time. I can't tell if that will result in a rejection or not. I'm wondering if I should even submit this.
  7. craftyturk

    craftyturk User

    That's odd, and never heard of that, but I'll try most anything! Next time, I'll keep this in mind.
  8. You ever have one of those days where you feel like you're going to wake up to a slew of rejections?
  9. hBoBh

    hBoBh User

    I got that, I meant more like.....holy effing sh*t it's just not right in spanish!

    ^amen sistah!

    There's also a pressure point between your thumb and forefinger in that squishy muscle part. Peppermint oil sometimes works for me. I've heard some vitamin supplements may help too.
  10. gingerkid

    gingerkid User

    I'm in love with Spike. As a gay woman, it's kind of conflicting. But I'm pretty sure everyone is at least a little bit in love with Spike. And that song. I mean. Come on. So freaking awesome.
  11. fourclub

    fourclub User

    I was CONVINCED one of my CAT questions had two possible answers. I took notes, chose one, and obsessed over everything after the test.

    Well, I was wrong, but the way in which I was wrong is so mind-numbingly twisted I couldn't express it in words even if I had no qualms about revealing survey content. (Of course I wouldn't do that in any situation)
  12. Dogan

    Dogan User

    Someone posted something about "having body" earlier? I plan to show them this and a few... choice images of my kickboxer friend from a pacific island next time that comes up... mmm, delicate musculature.
  13. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    Relax Melodies App is the most awesome app in the world. It has all kinds of white noise from river streams, ocean, wind, flute, rain, birds, campfire, night, thunder, waterfalls, urban rain, zen, cavern, storm, heavy rain, waves, wind chimes, underwater, seaside, rain on the roof and a lot more. I just plug my phone in, and change the settings so it never sleeps.

  14. Well, I'm in love with Faith and I'm a straight woman. So it all works out. I think. And Spike is just AWESOME. (His song is coming on right now! What else would I want to pump you for??)

    Hey, you want Cool Ranch Doritos, by any chance?
  15. vex

    vex User

    i'm bored
  16. hBoBh

    hBoBh User

    .........I think my bf may love you. Just sayin. :p

    (holy crap I'm hyper tonight. Sorry guys! Someone find something for me to dooooooooooo!)
  17. craftyturk

    craftyturk User

    Do you go on reddit at all? There's a really good migraine sub there that's super helpful.[/QUOTE]

    No, but I'll have to check it out.
  18. The most valuable benefit to having Masters is the lack of captchas... the hits are of secondary importance.
  19. Moley

    Moley User

    For the "Play a balancing game" hit, will you get rejected if you only click once a day?
  20. justlookin

    justlookin User

    What do you do, editing or titles, articles......? What...? We gotta know! Seriously curious. I finished their test and after all of that it wouldn't submit. Haven't been back yet. :rolleyes:
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