Can't Find GREAT HITS?! 8/15 - Turk Hard Thursday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Ursa Major, Aug 15, 2013.

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  1. jTurker

    jTurker User

    He really is. I started on the CAT 2 and after 18 questions and about 30 minutes the pad I was using to work out the logic ones tapped the enter key on my key pad and it submitted. I contacted him and he got back to me and told me he would work something out. If he doesnt respond first thing in the morning dont worry, it took him a couple of days to get back to me as he said he tries to take care of his current emails first and then work on replies. He sent me a link to the questions and said he would manually enter my answers for me. Hes OK in my book, even though his surveys make my brain hurt.
  2. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    So I've noticed.

    Dunno. We'll just have to submit and hope for the best. :/
  3. tanchik

    tanchik User

    Whelp, I am out to do CATS 2 (I am scared honestly :lol:) See ya all good people in an hour or so :scared:
  4. tscreener

    tscreener User

    Are you asking that as an after the fact question, or are you considering accepting the hit and know that you can only click once a day? (I don't even know if they are re-running it, I just don't understand your question).
  5. justlookin

    justlookin User

    Had nightmare about it, then woke up to 1500 Percy rejections! Yes, they all got reversed but still.

    He never had anyone cherry pick 3000 of his HITs before that I guess! lol
  6. gingerkid

    gingerkid User

    I mean, this show has literally the best lines ever. Spike was probably one of the best characters ever created. Also, Willow. I mean, Buffy has her moments. But I watch the show for the supporting characters.
  7. gingerkid

    gingerkid User

    I welcome the love!
  8. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

    I cry more bcause I have a Banjo on my knee.
  9. jklmnop

    jklmnop User

    Is it time to turn in the balancing game HIT? I don't see what else we have to do.
  10. hBoBh

    hBoBh User

    You're JUST NOW starting?!?!!??! Jeysus woman!
  11. tscreener

    tscreener User

    I think I'm going to wait and see if they do a debriefing or something tomorrow. Anyway, turning it in tomorrow is my plan.
  12. bkart1978

    bkart1978 User

    My app link died days ago; was yours still working? Seemed super buggy to me.
  13. jklmnop

    jklmnop User

    good plan, great plan
  14. fourclub

    fourclub User

    Just try to enjoy it
  15. pigmoose

    pigmoose User

  16. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    Just noticed two of my members never did a single click.
  17. tscreener

    tscreener User

    I asked before, but I'll try again. Did anyone who did it in June finish the balancing game and get paid?
  18. jekjek

    jekjek Banned

    iirc a few people did do it and got paid, complained that the pay took awhile tho

    edit: looked up what people said about it real quick

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2013
  19. Jambin

    Jambin User

    I did it in June and I got paid, but there were issues, the requester was very confused and we had to redo the survey we did when we signed up for the HIT. Also - I did the individual game so I don't really know how they approve the group game. Sorry I can't help you :(
  20. tscreener

    tscreener User

    Wow, thanks for digging that out. After looking at the TO this evening I was wondering why I even bothered.
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