Can't Find Fantastic HIT's?- 9/13 Foxy Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Zerda.Fennecus, Sep 13, 2013.

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  1. Danzizz

    Danzizz User

  2. Danzizz

    Danzizz User

    Napalm strike and naked children xD Plus a cats
  3. Im going for free. Haha.
  4. bryanmd88

    bryanmd88 User

  5. Danzizz

    Danzizz User

    I prefer the free route, I feel bad I get just about everything for free, but if I like it, I buy it, especially because of the games I want do not have demos, blah.
  6. mirabrea

    mirabrea Active Member

    I emailed her Monday I think and she said she'll have another batch in two weeks, it will be another test hit before more batches come out.
  7. adaaaam

    adaaaam Banned

    I think it's the same as if you called them, because when I was locked out of Payments, they instructed me to request a phone call, at which point I was placed on hold, then greeted by a specialist as if I just called them.
  8. nvm

    Two page too late. :(
  9. Keysbum

    Keysbum User

    I was hoping she'd hear good news today. Hopefully by tomorrow it'll be all cleared up.
  10. I hope they don't make her wait all weekend :(
  11. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

  12. B

    B User

    it's a she

    and i emailed her last week. she has plenty of more work but cleaning up what they have now and will start hits again in a couple weeks. so glad she made a qualifier....she's my favorite requestor/favorite hits by far.
  13. Since its Friday the 13th anyone got some SPooookyyyyyy Stories to share?
  14. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    How much have you guys made today?

    One time, ghost.
  15. Step

    Step User

    Naked Fabio wrestling in a kiddie pool full of chocolate pudding with Naked Rosie O'Donnell.
  16. pigmoose

    pigmoose User

  17. adaaaam

    adaaaam Banned

    Not only are they much more collectible, but most of Marvel's lineup include a free digital copy anyway
  18. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    Okay, everyone but you. </3
  19. One of my key words is "METAL BOX" so I feel the need to post this video:[video=youtube;cO3MttgvHUY][/video]
    Either the best, or worst, video game voice acting I've ever heard.
  20. themubs

    themubs User

    What did I miss for this to happen? D:
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