laura h/freya hit tips

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by footballchick29, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. I finally got the qual to do these hits and they are showing up available for me to do! As far as I have heard there have been no mass rejections.. anyone have any tips on how to do these fast or how to avoid any rejections? I have read on TO ratings that she is pretty good with responding to e-mails as well, is this true? Anyone with experience please share :) Thanks!
  2. I been watching them also. I did 10 yesterday as a test, I'll let you know if they approve this morning. They should considering their all 24 hr. auto approve. I was paranoid because previous reviews. Everything recent seems like positive reviews though. We'll see this morning!
  3. As for doing them fast, if you look, quite a percentage of the answers are found my glancing at the title or the website. If not, right click, open new tab, with the website if listed. I also found time consuming tips, such as, you don't have to hit tab, enter. Just make your selection and press enter instead of wasting valuable seconds scrolling down. If I can't find a description, I been marking it other, because she doesn't have a listing for N/A. I'll keep you updated on the rejections/approved though.
  4. For your smart ass remark, she approved all mine from yesterday. And for your information I only marked other or NA, on one of ten that I couldn't find. Before you start accusing people of being a scammer, you need to learn what the fuck your talking about. I take pride in my work, and you want to get on the forum with some "scammer kid name calling?" Look at my stats, I got 14,975 hits and 7 Rejections and I'm a scammer? Or you just felt like getting out of your character and name calling on someone you obviously don't even know. lol GO AWAY!
  5. bsalustri

    bsalustri User

    I've been killing those. Haven't been marking any other really but someone obviously didn't have there coffee lol
  6. LOL. Instead of coffee and making money, I had an early morning visit to the emergency room with my spouse. Then I come back to see the idiot things some of these people say. Not mentioning names. But yea, all mine approved. I haven't had any others today, mostly tourist and site seeing lol.

    Now to catch up on my coffee!
  7. bsalustri

    bsalustri User

    Yeah same here but I've had a streak of stuff in italian :/ doesn't take long to google if you have two windows open
  8. Haven't hit the italian part yet. I'm only at 14.00 because of all the crap I had to do this morning, got me pushing my goals back. Time to catch up! lol
  9. bsalustri

    bsalustri User

    just at 10. need coffee. i'm slow for the first hour or so
  10. Hey I found if you run to tabs, doing Laura's hit, not all the time, but majority of the time. Running two tabs, most of them are the same choice back to back. For example, running two browsers, most of the time, I'll get a landmark, then I'll get another landmark. Or adventure, and another adventure. Hope that saves you some seconds.
  11. bsalustri

    bsalustri User

    I just want it to be over now. I think my fingers are going to fall off.
  12. Your telling me. I been going at hers, and a few others. Almost to $90.
  13. joseshaw

    joseshaw New Member

    Guys please help me to find good quality and sexy looking Freya swimsuits. My budget for this is not very high. Thank you in advance.

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