Can't find euphoric HITs?6/5 Fedora tipping Thursday for m'lady![tipping intensifies]

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by PavelDatsyuk, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. Are thoes VOCDS sentence ones you guys go gaga over for? Cause a whole bunch just dropped

    EDIT: They re broken lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2014
  2. Come la vez oso? Estos putos quieren un chorro de trabajo para cinco centavos.

    Title: Escribe notas en espanol
    Requester: OCMP4 [A17VBSFR8YJDZJ] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    0.00 Communicativity
    5.00 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    5.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 5
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Write Memos in Spanish / Escribe Notas en Español
    Time: 30 minutes
    Reward: $0.05
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 5000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 98
  3. Bald

    Bald User

  4. A fucking joke
  5. Heh.heh, nice pun.

  6. When I went to a dentist he was like "how come you didnt put insurance?" Im like I dont have insurance. Then he is like oh.... then how you intend to pay?

    I just look him straight in the eye and said, "Do you guys still take cash or is that concept to radical?"

    Took me in that same day lol
  7. He must not have any patients with money.

    But yeah if I wanted to go out of pocket would get seen quick. I did go to another dentist a few years back that has their own discount plan. Took care of a loose filling and actually was cheaper even factoring in the cost of the plan. Probably the best anyone without insurance could do around here.
  8. Ursa Major

    Ursa Major User

    I actually have the same problem. Ibuprofen is surprisingly effective, but it might not work for everyone.
  9. There are a lot of places that dont seem to take money or something. I think they are used to the insurance concept. Schedule you in now, do later.
  10. ifadoll

    ifadoll User

    It seriously has felt like it saved my life some nights during bad episodes. Toothache pain is the MOST awful thing I've ever experienced....and I've given birth.
  11. Yeah did that last night but didn't really help. Got generic aleve today and that did help a good bit.
  12. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

  13. lanone

    lanone User

  14. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    My days are darker cut from a long shank but the blade is sharper tell pops I'm his son not his spades partner.
  15. Oh man I had one that the pain was so powerful it made my vision blur! The pain died away after a while....

    And the tooth is now broken lol
  16. I started posting hits in the morning. Im bored.
  17. xailos

    xailos User

  18. [​IMG]
  19. I broke a tooth eating a french fry of all things. I think there was a rock in it or maybe that was a piece of tooth. Exposed the nerve and pain was like a lightening bolt snapping my head back. After that since the root was exposed even biting on a piece of soft bread had the same effect. Got root canalled on that one.
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