How do I know when I have been blocked by a requester?

Discussion in 'General' started by SingingThroughTheStorm, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. I have been doing large amounts of image monitoring for the requester
    "Adult Image Review" lately, but I can't seem to find any of their jobs anymore.
    I wondered if I was blocked or something.
  2. wahmbrenda

    wahmbrenda User

    Those jobs seem to be going really fast lately.
  3. Just click on them once u see and u could know if they have blocked u or you are still able to do the work...

    Usually a requester blocks u only if u do a large number of low quality hits in which the case he/she rejects all of it and also blocks u ...beware ...too much blocks could suspend your account..I am now facing 1 block and a an account warning threat from amazon lately
  4. Just click on them once u see and u could know if they have blocked u or you are still able to do the work...

    Usually a requester blocks u only if u do a large number of low quality hits in which the case he/she rejects all of it and also blocks u ...beware ...too much blocks could suspend your account..I am now facing 1 block and a an account warning threat from amazon lately
  5. If you are blocked by a requester you will get a mail from Mturk with the subject 'Account Warning' as shown below.

    I got this block from the requester Good job. But he mistakenly did that... So he apologized to me and unblocked.

  6. Well I probably did over five hundred of their HITs in the past 10 days,
    but I don't even have more than 10 rejections total on my work.
  7. Danthony

    Danthony User

    So what happens if I send a similar letter to a requester?
    bet i get suspended lol
  8. XD

    Well it seems there work still isn't showing up oddly.
    I guess I will transfer my time to "CrowdSource" jobs.
    "Choose the Most Relevant Search Result" is mind numbingly repetitive, but it pays 5 cents a hit.
  9. kolevski

    kolevski User

    you can do just 20-50 of those in one day or so until they refresh hits. though they are worth it , 6$/hour or so.
  10. Is there a limit with those CrowdSource HITs daily?
    I was doing roughly 100-150 "Adult Image Review" HITs daily for 5 cents each.
  11. Sayantan

    Sayantan User

    is adult review stil available??
  12. Danthony

    Danthony User

    Yes they are
    But they go very quick
    try the Proboards hits
    Pays less but quicker
    Instant approval

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