Can't Find Amazing HITs? 7/22 Tantalizing Tuesday!!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Jul 22, 2014.

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  1. DrunkenOne

    DrunkenOne User

    Cesta nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  2. annbrrlynn

    annbrrlynn User

    I did 150 Cesta's. Pretty good for just waking up. I fell asleep right as they posted and woke up and got to do an hour of them. Whoever got them all night long is pretty lucky!
  3. frood

    frood User

    Good morning, freaky folks! Hope you all fed well on those Cestas. Here's to much more money all day long!!
  4. liquidhits

    liquidhits User

    Looks like I just missed the cesta gravy train...I am not even sure i qualified :-/
  5. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    did 600 Cestas between last night and this morning

    I have a strong feeling a lot wont approve

    but the feeling is usually followed by them all approving

    so yeah
  6. KTownTurk

    KTownTurk User

    I know right! I would have done anything to stay awake all night after finding those. Sadly enough I only turk at work so I had no clue *super sad face*
  7. oy16y

    oy16y User

    Man you guys KILLED those cestas. I had about an hour to go at them and I only got 200.
  8. Turbs

    Turbs User

    Took 2:30. The English in that one was a bit butchered on some of the questions.
  9. annbrrlynn

    annbrrlynn User

    Scraper got me like $20 within an hour and a half yesterday morning, this morning it's managed to find me a 30 cent survey and nothing else that I already haven't done. I need batches!
  10. sunioc

    sunioc Active Member

    there were no quals
  11. wow2006

    wow2006 User

    I don't think I've met met anyone (online or irl) so committed to referencing Waterboy as you frood. I think that's impressive.
  12. miniblonde

    miniblonde User

    2 mins

    Title: Five-minute study
    Requester: Project Endor [A11L036EBWKONR] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.83 Communicativity
    4.94 Generosity
    4.96 Fairness
    4.98 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 310
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Five-minute study
    Time: 20 minutes
    Reward: $0.25
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 1, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 90, Location is US
  13. Zonetai69

    Zonetai69 Active Member

    I can't wait to get this 80 HIT cap off of me. I wanted to dig in deep with the Cesta, but had to stop at 20.
  14. jaymek

    jaymek User

    in the past 12 hours, my computer refused to turn on, then refused to stay on, and then refused to connect to the internet. it's cooperating now, so hopefully our trip to the genius bar today won't end up with me maxing out my credit card.
    but there went all hopes of hitting 5000 hits by yesterday! i managed to catch 13 cestas on the train this morning before it went underground, but hopefully another great batch like that pops up so i can hit it today. less than 300 approvals to go!
  15. Title: Choice Study
    Requester: Warwick Psychology [AQQ1SA9NYT7JB] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.40 Communicativity
    4.70 Generosity
    4.94 Fairness
    4.89 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 50
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: 10 minutes task for $0.50 - $3.00
    Time: 60 minutes
    Reward: $0.50
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 1000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 99, Location is US

    Edit: This version is a joke
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2014
  16. andybass

    andybass User

    I didn't touch them for that reason. I was worried that mturk as a whole was going to fuck it all up and everyone who did the work right is going to pay the price.
  17. miniblonde

    miniblonde User

    I swear I think I could live off of pineapples.
  18. hatchy

    hatchy User

    A computer is like a woman. You have to show it compassion and love. Maybe you should load up The Notebook and watch it on your computer. It would probably appreciate that and it would strengthen your relationship.
  19. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    fat bonus

    I surprised myself by actually taking the time to do them all right. I think I might be rusty due to my month off turking.
  20. annbrrlynn

    annbrrlynn User

    I've only had fresh pineapple once, followed by three hours in the ER. I'm allergic to it sadly, but it was delicious.
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