Can't find Super duper HITs? 7/27 Take a Hike Cheap Requesters Sunday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Bald, Jul 27, 2014.

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  1. adaaaam

    adaaaam Banned

    A chromebook is like an android tablet w/ kb mouse, if you wanna run macros you need a window or mac laptop
  2. LenRz

    LenRz User

    First time using the Hit Scraper, kicking myself for not checking it out sooner - Its amazing.
  3. Breaking the sound barrier running away, thanks
  4. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    Not I said the fly!
  5. Well, that led to a nice little $2.50 to end the evening. And now I try not to stare at a computer screen for an hour before bed, which is more difficult than it might seem but hopefully helps me sleep better.

    Hey, lovely people? Have a good night. I'll be on morning crew tomorrow.

    Be excellent to each other.
  6. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    I can't figure out how to use it :(
  7. Very very basic to have it refresh and show you what's popping up:

    Set auto-refresh from 0 to 30, reloads it every 30 seconds

    Go into script and add requesters you wouldn't work for the same way the defaults already there are with the line that begins "var ignore_list =", the defaults there make it obvious how to do it. Space quote requester name endquote comma

    Most people that use it here have it refined way better than that but just those two steps are enough to make it beneficial
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2014
  8. frood

    frood User

    Does it cure cancer?

    Yes. But no Hospital can afford it. So you´re gonna die anyway

    Thanks for the larfs!
  9. k614

    k614 User

    I just bought a Toshiba Satellite from Best Buy for about $210. It replaced my older Toshiba Satellite that I had since 2009 and still ran fine, minus the cracked screen. I would go for a lower end laptop
  10. Thanks for the suggestions and personal experiences folks. Gonna go to bed, if anybody says you aren't the best hit them with nearby furniture
  11. Build a PC.

    I can help throw together a parts list if you give me a price.
  12. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

    I have one of my scrapper set to this. the other one I have set to "most available".

    Auto-refresh delay: 15 Pages to scrape: 3
    Minimum reward: .04 Qualified "check"

    I hope this helps
  13. Five bucks. Wow me

    (If you really want to spend the time though and I'll check it in the morning I'd like to keep it under 600, won't be used for videaya ma gaems)
  14. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    I hope I get mine,considering I am a musician and all... :)
  15. annbrrlynn

    annbrrlynn User

    I didn't work today, I'm so ready for Money Monday. I'm tired even though I didn't do a single productive thing all day long. Goodnight!
  16. Sharkl11

    Sharkl11 User

    Getting rdy for a new car soon. Much turking in my future.
  17. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    I decided to see how bad it really was.

    The answer is 'very'.
  18. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

  19. Calebro

    Calebro Guest


    The forum just died...
  20. I hope it doesn't die this week. Crossing my fingers.

    Anyway I also use a Sattelite I bought grom Best Buy in 2012 and it's fine for turking. I paid 300 and I have no issues except that it does run hot. 20 dollars and a laptop cooler later and it's all good.
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