Can't Find Good HIT's? 12/2

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by rek0nize, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. .08 for less than 10 seconds
  2. Nomad

    Nomad User

    OK, all Exsom info on one post.

    For those working on Exsom t-shirt hits, I sent requester an email and got clarification on what to do if the URL goes to the page for a specific shirt, but the shirt is unavailable. Here is the response:

    First, for a URL to be valid, it has to land on a specific shirt. That isn't to say a url won't have a specific shirt and links to others, but you should be looking at a shirt that has details for that specific shirt (hopefully that makes sense).

    If the shirt is no longer available, but the URL lands on a specific shirt, please update description (if available), price (if still listed), and just set the isValid to yes. Shirts out of stock are still valid shirts.

    If the product has been discontinued entirely, but the URL lands on a specific shirt, follow the above but place (DISCONTINUED) in the description.

    I googled it. Yep I did. It means a standardized description that could apply to many of the same item. He wants descriptions of the specific shirt. Not something like: Black t-shirt. But: Betty Boop shirt.

    Per his email, he would prefer that you enter the price because it is easier for him. However, if you leave it blank, he will assume that means the price is the same.

    True no TO, however, I think it's somewhat positive that he responded to my emails in less than 10 minutes. He sent me questions and answers from some other Turkers and asked me to post them.

    If price is unchanged, you can leave the price field blank. It would make my life easier to fill it were filled in, but if the URL is valid I will assume price is unchanged.

    What if a shirt has multiple prices?

    If the prices matches for any particular size, leave it the same.

    meaning, if a shirt is 9.99 for a small-large, and 11.000 for XL.. and I have the price as 9.99, then leave the price the same.

    Conversely, if I have the price as 9.99, and the price has risen for all (like 10.00 for small-large and 12 for XL), then just pick the smallest price.
  3. rek0nize

    rek0nize User

    1 per 10 seconds for 8 cents.

    Most of these I remember from previous days. So you can really knock them out quick.
  4. Nomad

    Nomad User

    No problem. Perhaps it's time to put the "Quack" pipe down. lol
  5. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    not starting a flame war, least of all with someone like you, but in the first place, you should never have taken the hit, it stated clearly in the title AND the description that you needed to be a comcast/xfinity subscriber, THEN you had the gall to ask if someone who was a subscriber wanted to help, then you pop up in here whining that no one posted that two lakes was up when someone did. do you do ANY work for yourself, or do you always expect others to do it for you?
  6. Nomad

    Nomad User

    If it's just a plain shirt it's unisex. But women's shirts have scooped neck, capped sleeves, etc. Usually they will specify if women's.
  7. EmmaStone

    EmmaStone User

    Oh wow, that's really good, I'll have to keep my eye out for them in the future.
  8. zeezey

    zeezey User

    Looks like melissa paid out.
  9. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    you're doing it right. i Asked him and he responded

    I like this requester. he/she even asked me for the link i was working on and offered to help me with the hit.
  10. Is it just me, or is CrowdFlower getting more and more spammy every day?
  11. Nomad

    Nomad User

    Luv you!!! thanks for that, I'll add it immediately. And........done!
  12. momo

    momo User

    Crowdflower, Provide a natural way of asking your tv to turn on closed captioning, .10 and repeatable
  13. mercenar1e

    mercenar1e User

    you must have problems with your eyes because i admitted that i was on the wrong page when someone said two lakes were up so what are you babbling on about? i posted a few hits in these threads since joining or maybe you just like to focus on one single negative thing that i have done? what does "with someone like you" even mean?
  14. turkster88

    turkster88 User

    Yes she did! Thank god haha
  15. rricplay

    rricplay User

    I also witnessed what he just said. 100% true. now would you like some Aloe Vera? cause you just got burned....

    HaHaHa - now I get it! Thanks for mentioning to click the envelope - I wondered why I wasn't getting any emails - missed that step!
  17. mercenar1e

    mercenar1e User

    just to prove that i did admit i messed up
  18. klayslurey

    klayslurey User

    Christmas shopping done, time to grind out some more Rubin's while they last before I suffer through another Eagles game
  19. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    this is my last post to you, not going to clutter the forum with crap, but in both instances you didn't do anything until someone else, or multiple people, pointed out to you that you were wrong. now. go turk, make money, and try to make a contribution to the forum.
  20. rek0nize

    rek0nize User

    Two lakes up
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