Do you even Praise the Sun? Cooperate for HiTS! Saturday! 9/6

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by teari, Sep 6, 2014.

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  1. Faithers

    Faithers User

    Just when I posted that my percentage was back up to 99.9. Damn it. Now I'm back to 99.8
  2. TheMouse

    TheMouse User

    The one I quoted was Courtney Stufflebeam [snerk]. I wouldn't be surprised. All kinds of people being done wrong today!
  3. Faithers

    Faithers User

    Yep it's the same requester but not the same description. I don't get it... that's just... weird.

    I emailed her telling her that she is a vile person and I'm going to print out her HIT and throw darts at it since she is a Liar McLiar Pants. Or something.
  4. I should probably turk tomorrow but I'll probably end up eating a cookie when I wake up and just being blown out the whole day. lol
  5. tgoodch1

    tgoodch1 User

    Hey Faith
  6. TheMouse

    TheMouse User

    Well, at least you aren't an "outlier by a large margin." I got a reject for having a brain filled with useless trivia!
  7. Faithers

    Faithers User

    Hi back at you. Faith is supposed to be going to bed. (Feels weird to call myself Faith. That is so not my name. lol)
  8. you gotta have faith in yourself!
  9. Sharpie

    Sharpie User

    She just received a very pointed e-mail from me

    I'm livid
  10. Faithers

    Faithers User

  11. tgoodch1

    tgoodch1 User

    Ohhh...I feel bad...
  12. Faithers

    Faithers User

    She replied to me and is confused because she can see her description that TheMouse showed, but yet I have seen it copied and pasted from others where it doesn't say that. So that is strange. I KNOW mine didn't say that.
  13. The above requesters post one of the most horrific disturbing surveys that I have ever seen. I am guessing that the above one is just as bad. It has horrific images of real life torture/death scenes (Think Isis video of beheading); faces getting blown off, you get the gist. I wish that I had never seen the images. (This was about 1 year ago). I have permanently blocked this requester so that I never accept another survey by them. I am just posting this to say that the rejection might very well be worth more than an opportunity to take the survey for $.
  14. I'm back from Skyrim!

    I caught 2 Kentas this morning but none since then. And I did one CATS HIT, but that's all I can do of those in a day. The rest is dumb surveys.
  15. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    Colleen, this place has been crazy since you left
  16. [video=youtube;jVf4_WglzWA][/video]
  17. I <3 your name.
  18. Reddit finally told me why they banned me a week ago, progress is being made

    AJD for King of the Internet 2016 is back on the rails, my first order of business will be deleting Reddit
  19. kcott84

    kcott84 User

    Before I go to bed..... I'll leave you with a batch *I* personally enjoy doing.

    Choose the best category for this product View a HIT in this group

    Daniel Zadik
    HIT Expiration Date: Sep 12, 2014 (5 days 13 hours)
    Time Allotted: 20 minutes
    Reward: $0.05
    HITs Available: 525
    Description: Decide what is the appropriate category for this product
    Keywords: category, categorize, product
    Qualifications Required: Your Value
    HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 90 99 You meet this qualification requirement

    I've done a ton for this guy and NEVER had any problems. Your categorizing coupons, no guessing to it at all.
  20. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    I see that this was half an hour ago, but...yeah. Reading back...I was going to feel bad that I spent the better part of the evening on Esseles/learning synthweaving, but wow, there was *no*thing pretty much that whole time.

    I feel like mTurk is out on a bender or something...all I gotta say is, be back to work on Monday, bitch. I can't pay my rent with SWTOR belts.

    Have fun getting shitfaced, or whatever folks plan to do tonight.
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