06/29 Holding Places Like A Boss Wednesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Jun 29, 2016.


Which voting method would you prefer? (Due to yesterday's confusion... reposted

  1. FPTP [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-past-the-post_voting[/url]

    18 vote(s)
  2. IRV - Instant Run-Off Voting - [url]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant-runoff_voting[/url]

    11 vote(s)
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  1. If you're taking longer than 5 minutes, you're doing it wrong
  2. B

    B User

    This was a little under 30 minutes. Great hit.
  3. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    5/5 pay
  4. B

    B User

  5. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    very good. did it last time and got bonus a few days later. i did it again this time, I hope it didn't say not too.
  6. pyro

    pyro User

  7. kokomo

    kokomo User

    There were several that didn't have the cart or bag on the front page but looked like it should. Digging just one page deeper usually shows carts on those ones. Still worth it money wise to search one more page since it is obvious which ones these are.
  8. Faithers

    Faithers User

    omg. hits that require so much repetition of instructions and practice make me want to lose my freaking mind. I get it. I know how to touch the boxes. Shut up and let me do this already.
  9. Alright ssears, were waiting....
  10. pyro

    pyro User

    somehow this is still up

    Title: Number Series Practice Test: 5 of 10 | PANDA
    Requester: PDRI-Mechanical-Turk [A1HUOSVLNRCA8G] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.20 Communicativity
    4.74 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    4.49 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 71
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Read questions and respond accordingly. **Makes you eligible for a $100 Bonus!
    Time: 2 hours
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $3.00
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 50; HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95; Location is US
  11. DaNipper

    DaNipper User

    ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  12. alijit12

    alijit12 User

  13. Lucas

    Lucas User

    10 minutes drinking coffee and enjoying the weather
  14. squirrel78

    squirrel78 User

    Thanks for posting it. My TM doesn't catch quite a bit, I've learned. I keep saying I'm going to learn Scraper but every time I think I have time to fool around with it along with the tutorials, either a lot of work comes in or it's time to cook dinner or something.
  15. squirrel78

    squirrel78 User

    I think the last one took me right at 30 minutes. But numbers are not always my friends.
  16. pyro

    pyro User

    sam gilbert?
  17. robyn724x

    robyn724x User

    and it sucks so far..............
  18. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    Somehow I missed 4
  19. pyro

    pyro User

    I don't think they posted it. or #1
  20. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    woah, my scraper just went orange. block block block block.
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