$10 bonus to win New cooperative team game

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by 2protostypex, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. 2protostypex

    2protostypex New Member

    Yuan Hou is the creater of this post, and what a post it is. First off, you get to play an amazing game that is both mildly challenging and extremely exciting. It takes roughly 30 minutes of play time, group cooperation, and simple graphing skills to achieve victory.
    You are looking for "Tyrlium", a feul needed for your marooned space ship and for the survival of your team. Each turn you find yourself either closer or further away than your prievious plot. But the objective is to find a Tyrlium plot greater than 80. However, finding the plot is quite simple if you follow the directions. Also, it can be loads of enjoyment.
    I would suggest this hit to anyone who is willing to try something new, and different from the average hit. Mostly because I would consider playing it over and over ;)
  2. eagreble

    eagreble User

    hey where you just on my losing team?? Admiral??? It was fun though and I'm not the game sort person!! I recommend though, even if you lose it is a good hit.

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