A Short (Well-Paid) Survey on Your Dating Preferences

Discussion in 'Do My HIT!' started by Xi Qin, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Xi Qin

    Xi Qin New Member

    Dear Mturkers,

    I'm a graduate student who study people's dating preferences, especially for serious relationships. I'm conducting a short survey on Mturk that will ask you to choose the profiles you are interested in dating for a serious relationship. The survey takes about 2 minutes, and the pay is $0.08. I hope the rate is good enough for you :).

    The only qualification required is that you live in US. I have launched a series of surveys under the same title and description, but you can only take one of those surveys.

    Here is my HITs:
    Title: A Short Survey on Your Dating Preferences
    Description: This is an academic survey on people's dating preferences: who would you like to date for a serious relationship?
    Requester: Xi Qin
    Time allotted per assignment: 2 mins
    Reward per assignment: $0.08
    Auto-approve and Pay workers in: 12 hours

    Thanks in advance for your participation!


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