Any one do NetMsi Hits?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sehwag, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Job count dropped by 10,000 jobs or so it seems.
    I still can't get any of the jobs to load anything besides a black line.:(
  2. izzxpopz

    izzxpopz User

    ^ I've got the same problem. People say if you skip 10 or so hits they begin to load- that's not the case for me, however. Oh well!
  3. Danthony

    Danthony User

    nothing is loading
    and I have a wideband connection
  4. moonwalker

    moonwalker User

    Same for me too. It's weird. Who is doing those HITs then? Any clues?
  5. Sehwag

    Sehwag Guest

    Skip some Hits and try it :)
  6. moonwalker

    moonwalker User

    Tried it and not worked.
  7. thusharanoop

    thusharanoop Active Member

    After sending two mails to him I received a reply yesterday.

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Trevor Childs <>
    Date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 4:35 PM
    Subject: Re: Regarding Amazon Mechanical Turk HIT Type 20AC0RYNJ92NCPDMCCDJYUI008O49G

    We are working on removing the HITs that were not created properly. I apologize for any inconvenience.

    So nothing to worry . Nobody is doing it . The requester itself is removing the work.
  8. moonwalker

    moonwalker User

    Let's hope so.
  9. Oversight

    Oversight Member

    I approve for NetMSI

    I'm one of the approvers for NetMSI. I started another thread today and listed useful information for those of you who want easy money and 100$ approval rates.

    But for brevity's sake, I'll repost what I wrote here:

    I am one of the mturk approvers for NetMSI hits, yes, those porn HITs you guys love so much.

    Right now, since we're experiencing major loading problems, I thought I'd start a forum and give you REAL tips and details on how to get your NetMSI HITs approved.

    If you do the following, I have ZERO problem approving all of your HITs.

    1.) Write every sentence uniquely. If you start your titles and/or descriptions with the same phrase, or overuse the same words, they will be rejected! End of discussion. We are paying you for a service and that service is to create UNIQUE text for us. I cannot stress this enough.

    2.) Humorous/sexy-sounding titles are encouraged. Please don't sound medical. This is PORN writing, not technical writing.

    3.) Given the nature of writing, YOUR SENTENCES and TITLES MUST MAKE SENSE. Simply writing gibberish and ratting off random keywords are grounds for immediate rejection. Also, use proper spelling and punctuation.

    4.) If you possess crappy English writing skills and you know who you are - do NOT waste your time doing NetMSI HITs. I'm an English major. I can tell instantly whether or not your writing is up to par.

    5.) DO NOT CHEAT. A lot of you like to grab existing text from other sites and pass it off as your own. If I could penalize these cheaters even more, I would. Do not do this. We have programs that root these out rather quickly and you will be banned!


    Look, if you want easy money, just do the job honestly. That's it. Don't try to cheat. Don't try to use templates. Don't repeat words. Don't cut corners. Basically, just do the job as entailed.


    And no, I don't know when the loading problems will be resolved. We're working expeditiously to get everything back on track. Please bear with us, thanks!

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