Can't find amazing hits? 12/04 Thematically Thursday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Dec 4, 2014.

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  1. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    The brainwashing that a culture does early on is important. Just because it's not Right doesn't mean it has no effect.
  2. COTurker

    COTurker User

    I hardly had any time at all to turk today...Boo! I might just have to call it a night and try again tomorrow.
    I did get good news today though....I got a 2.8% raise :)
  3. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    late, but this is what made me lose interest in the whole thing. If the guy doesn't care about the details of our lives (not just the wedding, but other stuff that might not be traditionally masculine but is still better attended to by two people, should those people have agreed to spend a significant amount of time in each other's company) then what is the point, why am I shaving my legs again? I know what my opinions are, I want to know *his* - and if he doesn't have any, what exactly is the reason he wants to be around? (Besides the one immediate obvious. :p)

    Momo, maybe I should meet more of these dudes you know, do you think? because I've yet to meet one who could answer any of the above questions at all satisfactorily.

    If he doesn't care, there are like 900 other things at any given time I could be doing.

    (sorry bobbie, not to rant at you personally or even disagree with you - just another thing I'm totally at a loss to process.)

    I'm not saying that men are bad, or even that traditional gender roles are bad if everyone carrying them out is happy. I just...I don't understand, and *really* needed to vent about it. Better. :p
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2014
  4. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    gonna go play ACOK but I wanted to mention that this is a ridiculous convention with no value to anyone
  5. If only we could find humans who haven't been acculturated, then we could start to unravel this stuff. Or understand it.
  6. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    Is it possible for humans to not be acculturated and also not be feral?

    Only I haven't heard of any, is all. *curious*
  7. Nikki

    Nikki TOTM

  8. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    Unfortunately most cases of extreme neglect suggest that without acculturation we're even worse off than we are with it :(

    only in legends and myth
  9. Right, exactly. Ain't none without, at least that I know of.
  10. I guess the theme is to cook the John Smith's 2 minute rule and doing ones in-between
  11. Kanna

    Kanna User

    I think it all depends. I don't care about a lot of things. Just because I don't care that Kingdom of Loathing is having a programming based Christmas event doesn't mean that I don't care about Matt, you know?

    That's... a lot less serious than marriage. Never mind. I'm drunk.
  12. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    No offense taken! I find it sad that you feel like that though. It's all give and take. Like the song says, some days you are the windshield and some days you are the bug :D Seriously though, you do things for someone because you want to and it makes you feel good and hopefully you find someone who wants to do things for you even when he doesn't give a crap about those things. Does that make sense? You need to find someone who values you for the wonderful woman you are not for what you can do for them or to them.
  13. Artemisia

    Artemisia User


    yes, sweetie, you are, but hugs for trying to answer anyway.
  14. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    Aren't you afraid of those pricegrabber ones?
  15. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    Does Matt like to drink too?

    eta: That doesn't sound like I intended it to. What I meant was do you guys drink together? I know that there can be problems if one part of the couple likes partying more than the other.
  16. Artemisia

    Artemisia User

    In an effort not to go on for paragraphs again: yeah, no, you're right. I probably need to spend more time properly dealing with how confused and pissed off and upset I am that I've spent so much time in relationships with people who thought that marriage would magically make me sweet and docile and desperate to have babies and take care of a house before I try and date any more. It is true.

    *groans* not that any of those things are bad, if that's what you want. But I want to *do* things. And so probably my plan to get those things happening and not worry about relationships too much for a while is what I should be doing, and I just talked a lot to say thanks that made me feel better. :)
  17. Nikki

    Nikki TOTM

  18. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    Yup! You deserve to find someone who will love you for who you are and not what they want you to be.
  19. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    I don't know. I've never been able to spend a considerable amount of time around any man who doesn't care about romance and couple-y/family things. Not just people I date, but friends, etc. I like men who are warm and squishy, generally speaking, and the guys I befriend tend to be just that. The majority of new baby photos, wedding photos, family photos, travel photos, etc. I have splattered across my timeline are posted by male friends/former coworkers of mine. These are also guys who could give two shits if a woman shaved her legs, though, so they may not exactly be the standard dude bros y'all are talking about.

    For example, my best friend is usually the only man chilling at his daughter's Girl Scout meetings. And he takes her to all the super girly birthday parties. The dude even keeps a pink ass Easy Bake Oven and giant plastic kitchen next to his kitchen counter so she can "cook" with him. Disney lamps and shit all over his house. I've stirred my damn hot cocoa and eaten my breakfast with Mickey Mouse silverware. And he keeps one room pink as shit. And he's divorced - she doesn't even live with him. But when he moved to his new place, he made sure to bring all her stuff and keep the place looking just right for her. I LOVE that shit, as much as I tease him about it when I visit.

    But it's a super important quality for my close friends and potential dates to have and I'm extremely selective when it comes to that.
  20. jTurker

    jTurker User

    Without revealing the code, I'm fairly certain that the code was actually part of the line code that was supposed to generate the actual code. LOL, but I put it in anyways, they should be able to figure it out. They really should have a requesters boot-camp where they teach them the basics, like how to use the sandbox to test their hits.
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