Can't Find Awesome HITs? 2/5 Freaky Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Turker2013, Feb 5, 2016.

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  1. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

  2. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User





    Sword Art Online
    yuru yuri

    If someone wants to make it for a certain day, they can pm me saying that they want to make it for that day (hopefully they will give me the date as well to be clear). Otherwise, I will just post the new thread on the dot, unless something makes me unable to, in which case I will mention that in advance.
    (I'll post this reminder every time I make the thread so people will know)
  3. BenSolo

    BenSolo User

  4. Jessie

    Jessie User

    My eyes are going buggy. Gotta keep going till they're gone, though.
  5. Jessie

    Jessie User

    I'm gonna kill my husband for putting this on the internet.
  6. npwsponge

    npwsponge User

  7. BenSolo

    BenSolo User

    Tell me more...
  8. Good night peeps.
  9. db42

    db42 User

    So you're gonna be single?

    In all seriousness, I wish I could work on HITs like that but quickly coming up with writing is one of my turk roadblocks. I know Seeker makes bank on stuff like that but I spend too much time crafting and overthinking all of it to make it profitable for me. Jealous.
  10. myopia

    myopia User

    I am gone also.

    $20 Imas HIT approved already. I eat tomorrow!

    Or maybe Monday by the time Amazon actually forks over the money and my bank deigns to process the transaction.
  11. npwsponge

    npwsponge User

    Ugh, I wish this AI batch would have dropped earlier before my brain went to mush from being so tired.
  12. myopia

    myopia User

    I am the same with writing. I had to force myself to just write and move on with that $7.50 HIT instead of endlessly revising, etc.

    I've been out of school for a long time, but still need to remind myself that turking has no letter grades: it is basically pass/fail!
  13. Jessie

    Jessie User

    Very soon, very soon.

    Sometimes I over think it too, but these ones are so easy. You should try them. I'm averaging $.30/minute when I'm not stopping to goof off.
  14. npwsponge

    npwsponge User

    Goodnight everyone, hope some tasty batches drop for you all.
  15. db42

    db42 User

    I tried. One took me 1.5 mins and the other 4. Not my thing, more for others though! Make bank.
  16. Jessie

    Jessie User

    Yikes. More for me. I want to stick it out and run out the batch, but I'm not sure I'll make it. They're dropping so slowly.
  17. db42

    db42 User

    Better grab another can of caffeine and keep at it, the weekend could be horribly slow.
  18. Jessie

    Jessie User

    I've done 102. Gotta take a break.
  19. Jessie

    Jessie User

    True. I'm hardly on weekends anyway. I try my best to focus on the family. But some nights I'll get on while they're sleeping.
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