Can't Find Good Hits 10/10/12

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by footballchick29, Oct 10, 2012.

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  1. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    ugg didnt seem to have wrote it down...hmmm
  2. C.M.

    C.M. User

    A Survey on Financial Decision-Making

    Requester: Chi Liao Reward: $1.00 per HIT HITs Available: 1 Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
    Qualifications Required: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Total approved HITs is not less than 50, Location is US

    Good TO, 30-45min, bonus up to $4.20, must have financial investments


    Idea Generation Exercise

    Requester: olivier toubia Reward: $1.00 per HIT HITs Available: 1 Duration: 24 hours
    Qualifications Required: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95

    Good TO, no timeframe listed, took less than 10min
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2012
  3. funny, I didn't get that email....
  4. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    Happen to remember the requirements of the password? numbers? caps?
  5. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    lol nevermind i got it. after a few tries it gave me the password rofl. must have felt bad lol
  6. talz13

    talz13 User

    I think upper/lower case, numbers, and symbols, not sure about minimum length or anything.
  7. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    I just dealt with this all yesterday.

    If you didn't write it down and don't remember it, that's fine. *that's the point!*

    Click reset password then they will email you with a link. Click the link and it will display your password then ask you questions about it. I had a little trouble and had to reset it twice, but it did work (once my fat fingers decided to type what I wanted them to!)
  8. Yeah, and it could not be an actual dictionary word.

    Any chance you could send email address you got the email from so I can search for it?
  9. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    If you didn't get it yet, then I wouldn't bother. If they want you to take the second half, they need to email you.
  10. You don't understand why I asked.

    I have 7 different email addresses and I believe that this one ASKED you for the email you wished to use.

    I get about 2K emails every morning in some of my inboxes. It is just easier to search for it.
  11. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    without brackets (
  12. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    Oh! I get what you're saying. I just thought you meant you didn't get the email like we did and was gonna try to figure out why! LOL I was gonna share, but someone beat me to it! :p
  13. Good morning everyone! Got my coffee with pumpkin spice creamer and I am ready to go! Ok well as much as I can while entertaining my 5 month old!

    I have a quick question and I hope it is in the right place. I am interested in doing some of the writing hits but I've never done any before. I am not a writer per se but can be creative or follow the guidelines set up. Any advice on which ones are the better ones to work on?

    Thanks for any help :)
  14. Zorathian

    Zorathian User

    Pay is crap but their quick if you want to raise your numbers.
    Extract store from receipt

    Requester: Jon Brelig Reward: $0.01 per HIT HITs Available: 31 Duration: 2 minutes Auto-Approval Time: 5 days
    Qualifications Required: None
  15. Thanks! Appreciate it!
  16. I've been trying to get into writing ones as well, this morning I tried one from Andrew Lang:

    The TO seems to mainly say he's a bit slow in paying, anyway did one and 150 words is fairly painless.
  17. CornFlake

    CornFlake User

    all hits: 4671
    hits available to you: 547

    lol. i can't get that excited at the 309k. around the same number of hits available to me everyday until i get my 1000th hit approved ;)
  18. AzizMOM

    AzizMOM Active Member

    I know what you mean
  19. GturKy

    GturKy Active Member

    John Turri Answer a few simple quesitons about a short story. Only 2–3 minutes. $0.25
  20. quick and easy. Thanks!
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