Can't find good HITs? 10/24

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by ashliturk, Oct 24, 2012.


What Has Been You Best mTurk Day? (Submitted)

  1. $0.oo - $5.oo

    2 vote(s)
  2. $5.oo - $10.oo

    9 vote(s)
  3. $10.oo - $15.oo

    4 vote(s)
  4. $15.oo - $20.oo

    8 vote(s)
  5. $20.oo - $25.oo

    7 vote(s)
  6. $25.oo - $30.oo

    8 vote(s)
  7. $30.oo - $40.oo

    12 vote(s)
  8. $40.oo - $50.oo

    8 vote(s)
  9. $50.oo - $100.oo

    16 vote(s)
  10. Over $100.oo

    8 vote(s)
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  1. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

  2. 4-ACO-DMT

    4-ACO-DMT User

    Those CrowdFlower Sentiment Analysis - Global Companies HIT isn't working right for me. It seems like every other one I submit, I get the following message. I give up on them.

  3. *sigh*
    I find myself fearing it actually constitutes proof we've both lost, in the good old rat race of life.

    I needs me a drink... [​IMG]
  4. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    A Survey About Your Expectations of When Significant Public Events Will Take Place

    Requester: Jonathan Koppel Reward: $0.50 per HIT

    took 2 minutes
  5. That's awesome!
  6. Faiythe

    Faiythe User

    OMG Juuuust eased over the $3.00 mark at $3.02 for the day - I'm out. Seems like all the good stuff gets posted about 8-11 am cst :( boohoo for me lol . See yall tomorrow!
  7. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    I'm just over $9 myself for a total of 1.5 hours today. Wanna hit 10 before playing some bf3.
  8. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    I'll drink to that!
  9. jrh001

    jrh001 User

    $12.00 on the day, only worked for about 1.5 hours. Don't see anything worthwhile right now.
  10. Qubana

    Qubana User

    ok I'm done at $32 for the day
  11. 1pmThursday

    1pmThursday Member

    I haven't posted here in a LOOOOOONG time...really not since HWTF blew up on reddit, but this forum has come a long way and you guys share the best hits IMO.

    I just wish I had the work ethic you guys have, haha. The taggered hits really put me back into a groove and I'm waiting for them to be approved because that's gas money for me, but I really wish I had the attention span to do hundreds of batch hits.

    I do have a question though - has anyone been rejected doing NetMSI's tagging images hits? Maybe I over think it, but I can't tell what's going on in a lot of those images and I worry that I'll post the wrong tag and get a mass rejection. I stick to the 61 character title hits, but my creativity only goes so far with that.

    I'm considering going for that Crowdsource writing hit again. Last time I didn't follow directions and didn't get the qual, but I want to try it again. Any writers for them in here, or do you guys stick to batches and surveys? Post is getting too long, so I'll end it here by saying thanks again to those of you who share hits on this forum!
  12. jckruth

    jckruth User

    Good night to everyone!
  13. saladpope

    saladpope User

    I have done a ton of NetMSI stuff, and the only ones I have ever had rejected were the "Create a Title" HITs, and as I mentioned, I think that they were for legit reasons (if I had known they had posted on the forum about the titling, I would have done them differently and probably not been rejected, but whatever). I have never had a tagging or image choosing HIT reject.

    I don't do too much writing `cause while I don't mind writing particularly, I don't really like being told what to write it is too much like real work :)
  14. pes

    pes Member

    I've been doing a ton of CF Sentiment Analysis. Anything better out there?
  15. TAC

    TAC User

    I've done a bunch of the tagging ones and have 2 rejected, completely my fault:

    - One was a tranny that I didn't see the dick on until I hit the submit button
    - One was a black dude I marked as white, forgot to change it before I hit submit

    I try to catch what's going on. I'm surprised by some of the ones I've work on where half the stuff that goes on isn't marked or marked completely wrong.

    I don't do the title ones.
  16. I have been working on this HIT, it pays really well for the amount of time it takes. Counter has also stayed at 100 even though I have done quite a few HITs.

    Play a game! Give your partner clues to guess a SECRET person.
    Requester: Research Tasks
    Reward: $0.15 per HIT
    HITs Available: 100
    Duration: 60 minutes
    Qualifications Required: Total approved HITs is greater than 100, HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Location is US
  17. Thanks for this link! After my first couple HITs it's going pretty smooth. I was a bit confused at first, but I think I'll keep doing these until they stop. Hopefully no rejects, I'm trying to give the best clues!

  18. This is a pretty good one, thanks! A lot better than those .8 classification hits I was just doing, lol

  19. You're welcome. I did like 2 a while back and they were approved, TO is good too. I've done a decent amount while watching a movie, nice easy HIT for multitasking! lol
  20. Exactly! I got tired of having to pause my TV shows to read paragraphs and focus. These can be done in a minute or two (sometimes I'll google ages to make sure I'm right, etc..) and the pay is good. I'd probably do these for 5 cents each, instead of 15 :D
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