Can't Find Great HIT's?- 9/11 Wonderful Wednesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by John, Sep 10, 2013.

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  1. jekjek

    jekjek Banned


    part 2

    dat last one....not sure if srs.....(please don't be serious, if it is then I'm praying for you)

    the "I am the manager of small aprtment complex" was really long and too up whole my screen to post
  2. weirdest

    weirdest User

    The "Spam-o-matic statistics" on the forum's front page, below the active users and all that.
  3. jekjek

    jekjek Banned


    nothing but <3
  4. jekjek

    jekjek Banned

  5. John

    John Banned

    LOL that was me. whenever yall post stuff on here I copy pasta from /r/nosleep in hopes of freaking u out

    edit: the i am a manager one
  6. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    Oooh I see mine finally
  7. Vercross

    Vercross User

    holy crap jek....that fart one....that is one twisted individual, one way or antoher.
  8. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    oo didn't even notice that
  9. kleaps23

    kleaps23 User

    Ok I give up! *cries* I need sleep! I held out as long as I could! Piece out everyone, I just really hope that I can get to some GTRI-HSID when and if they post them. Those bastards! Ok and I'm done being dramatic, night all!
  10. Okay now that kleaps23 is gone POST THE REAL HITS lol
  11. Vercross

    Vercross User

    oh he's gone, we can switch the oscars to $2 a piece now.
  12. pas_ass

    pas_ass User

    here's to hoping gtri's post tonight
  13. I saw that kleaps. Go to BED.
  14. Hey man... I got these Oscar hits for you... Wanna come hit it with me? First ones free...
  15. laceyjw

    laceyjw User

    probably not gonna. last night they were at like 2am est.

    at least i hope they're not up until tomorrow afternoon, i'm too tired to stay up and do them
  16. yancy

    yancy User

    So, before I do some heavy duty backscrolling, does this mean the announced new batch never reared its head?
  17. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    who be making the new thread? me?
  18. stza146

    stza146 User

    Correct. No GTRI since the newspaper sentiments batch.
  19. zingy

    zingy Guest

    do it, im playing lion king and grinding daniels ;)
  20. My god man, that shit had me cracking up lol
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