Do You Have A Fear Of Mass Rejections?

Discussion in 'General' started by Draven_Winters, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Ever wanted to do like 1000 hits for one requester, but wonder if 800 of those hits will get rejected? lol sometimes I feel like that.. even if i did hits for requester.. Is it weird? do you ever feel that way?:p
  2. durgidog

    durgidog User

    Today is the first day I feel that way. I did 1303 hits today (until now I've focused on surverys), most of those are split between four requesters and one had no TO (but great communication). Until today I only had a total of 1300 hits so a mass rejection could really screw up my approval rating. Some of these hits won't be approved for a week so I'll be on pins and needles until then!
  3. chuck_h

    chuck_h User

    I always have this fear, even when I do HITs for requesters with high Turkopticon ratings. I practice defensive Turking by never doing more HITs than might lower my rating below 95% if I got a mass rejection.

    I also worry about earning blocks, because if you get enough of them for negative reasons you're all done as far as MTurk goes.

    I think they allow this climate of uncertainty and dread to exist to remind you that you're never anything other than eminently and easily replaceable cog in the MTurk "machinery".
  4. jubin

    jubin User

    if the requester is new, there will be a fear for sure. My biggest mass submissions were for rohzit0d 1 year back. Between 1500-2000 hits on each day, 5 days a week for a month, each paying 0.04.
  5. That's gross. How did you recover from that?
  6. jubin

    jubin User

    i worked above 25000 of his hits, he rejected only 20 of them.
  7. I used to fear that, but I don't anymore.. I made sure to get my approval rating over 99% and now I go balls to the wall for some requesters. I also tend to spread it out, do 250 for one, 300 for another. kinda go that route because its less of a chance to take than having ALL my hits for the day rejected. Plus one day a week I do nothing but CS, CF and Oscar hits which are pretty much guarenteed to approve. Its my buffer zone
  8. yasmeenH

    yasmeenH Member

    Yes, it' s one thing hard to overcome with.
  9. Nomad

    Nomad User

    I keep trying to find out what type of hits this requester offers. I have requested qualification for the Inv B 2, I've sent email asking what type of hits they are, and still no response. It looks like there are very few approved qualifications for these hits but there seem to always be many thousands of hits posted. Could you shed some light. I'm just curious if I would be interested in doing these hits or what I need to do to get qualified. Thanks!
  10. Neona

    Neona User

    after my first hard block for one rejection from a requester with a good TO, I'm nervous of all the requesters. I tend to stick with the ones I have some history with and personally know are good and fair, the rest, I do a little - maybe ten and just wait and see before I do any more for that requester.
  11. TAC

    TAC User

    For me, the fear gets less the more approved hits I have under my belt (currently over 16k approved). The most I've done was 1,200 for one requester who had a positive TO and I was around 6k approved. If they had all been rejected, it would have been major damage.

    I'm more concerned with getting a hard block so if someone has crappy feedback, it's not worth taking the chance. Your mileage might vary of course.

    One final thing. The worst case scenario script is both good and bad. The first time it changed color to red, it made me do a double take.:eek:

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