Finding Great HITs 01/16 Spooky Spoopy Skimpy Saturday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Tjbot, Jan 16, 2021.

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  1. Tjbot

    Tjbot Thread Starter Extraordinaire


    If anyone has issues or doesn't like the new MTS/Hit Finder update, you can go back to the old version:

    First, make backup for your exports - blocked list and favorites!

    Going back to the old will not have your blocked and favorite lists so you will need to export it.

    First, either disable/turn off the new MTS in your extensions if you want to keep it or uninstall it. I would keep it in the extension disabled just in case the old version no longer works down the road.

    Thanks to Tscreener for posting this:

    It appears there is a way to roll back to the older version. According to someone on a different spot: go to . Scroll down to 'Installation' 'Chrome Unpacked'.

    You will see, Download . click on that link and download it. Then follow the rest of the instructions to install it. Don't do the section below that named Update. Turn off the new MTS in extensions and turn on the one you just installed if it isn't already.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2021
    tscreener and Curbie like this.
  2. I honestly don't mind signing up for Turkerview/MTS because what better way is there to usher into the Biden/Harris administration than to have complete fascism. And before you all say Trump is some kind of authoritative dictator I want you to point to any other dictator in history who didn't control the media and let him shit on him for his entire term. Yes you can't find one because Trump was just an assclown bumbling his way into power but the neoliberals wouldn't let that stand for long. Trump was awful in many ways yes but Biden has appointed the worst people in history to his cabinet and if you try and tell me otherwise just stop. Yes I know this whole Turkerview/MTS is a coincidence but I'm still mad at everyone who just listens to CNN and thinks that it's anywhere near real. Yes FOX News sucks too but shit people it's all lies and why won't you listen to what's really going on?
  3. Paleface

    Paleface User

    Flora likes this.
  4. 7 minutes

    Title: Answer a survey about the risk of phishing | Accept
    Requester: Candice Hu [AFM4LOWHMNTPG] Contact
    TV: [Hrly=$14.80] [Pay=Good] [Approval=~24 hrs] [Comm=Unrated] [Rej=0] [Blk=0]
    TO: No Reviews
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: 1.00
    Duration: 1:00:00
    Available: 1
    Description: This survey is about phishing risk and the protection behavior. The whole survey is anonymous. You will NOT be asked to share any embarrassing or sensitive information, and there is no known risk for your involvement.
    Qualifications: 0103Answered phshing survey before DoesNotExist ; Location NotEqualTo IN; Masters Exists
  5. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Time may vary
    Title: Study with task selection(~ 10 minutes)Accept
    Requester: The Wharton School [ABIUW8FBC3EE7] Contact
    TV: [Hrly=$16.16][Pay=Good][Approval=1-3 days][Comm=Acceptable][Rej=6][Blk=0]
    TO: No reviews
    Reward: $1.00
    Duration: 00:45:00
    Available: 49
    Description: In this survey, you will choose and complete tasks
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100; SurveyGroup [4710] DoesNotExist ; CR Research Group #2 DoesNotExist ; Exc: [-629506281-269329] DoesNotExist ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; Location In US
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
  6. tscreener

    tscreener User

    The world is upside down and sideways right now. It's insane!
    Mind Dagger likes this.
  7. tscreener

    tscreener User

    I managed to sign in to the Leven Community and make a 'hello' post, but it seems not to be working this morning. I'm thinking posting late at night or early morning is gonna be the trick, but I'm pretty sure just logging on and sitting on it for 15 min. fulfills the requirements.
    Flora likes this.
  8. Paleface

    Paleface User

    Title: Answer a survey about your opinions | PANDA
    Requester: Sunkyu Jun [A3RD4E3ML2Z2GH] (Contact)
    TV: No Reviews
    TO: No Reviews
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: $1.25
    Duration: 30 days
    Available: 1
    Description: Give us your opinion
    Requirements: HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 95; Total approved HITs GreaterThan 5000; Location EqualTo US
  9. Paleface

    Paleface User

    5 minutes, but watch the timer

    Title: Opinion needed! Short survey - do you like being on camera during Zoom calls? | PANDA
    Requester: Daisy Magnet [A144WLV0ICQ8V0] (Contact)
    TV: No Reviews
    TO: No Reviews
    TO2: No Reviews
    Reward: $1.00
    Duration: 9 days
    Available: 1
    Description: Looking for opinions about being on camera during business meetings - should it be promoted as a best practice?
    Requirements: Job Function - Management EqualTo 1; Total approved HITs GreaterThan 100; Location In CA, GB, US; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 80; Completed the Survey already DoesNotExist
  10. Paleface

    Paleface User

    After the initial struggles with the new and improved MTS, I have grown to like it. Some functions are harder to find (like TO), but I think it's an improvement.
  11. parro

    parro User

    I'm still getting error messages in MTSuite : "File not found." How do I sign into Turkerview and where is it? I've been away from this stuff for months because MT isn't a big source of income for me.

    Oops, I'm already a member of Turkerview. I'm posting my issue there.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
  12. parro

    parro User

    I don't think we should get into politics here. It's a big time-suck, and there are other sites we can use for that.
  13. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    I would like to view TO or TV on the Hit Finder but there is no way to. It used to on the old. Also, what time the HIT posted in the past helped in the old. New, they removed that. No way to know what time a particular HIT was posted. Although I read somewhere Kad is planning on adding that on the next update so there's that.

    Was going to go back to the old MTS but I can't figure it out. It gives me errors about an API which I do have and won't launch the MTS icon on the top bar to let me start Hit Finder so I gave up.
    Paleface likes this.
  14. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    Yeah I have no clue to your questions. Wish I could help. We all are in this confusing mess ourselves one way or another.
  15. tscreener

    tscreener User

    So I just went back to the revised version of MTS, if anyone needs help, maybe I'll be useful, or not.
  16. tscreener

    tscreener User

    The major thing I use it for is to look up requesters hits, to see what the hit was. It doesn't seem to let me go back and reopen a hit. That was the most useful feature it had and now it seems to be gone. It does have some fun features, I'll grant you that, but I'm gonna wait till some of the bugs are figured out.
    Paleface likes this.
  17. tscreener

    tscreener User

    Nice to see you @parro. Post more often.
  18. Paleface

    Paleface User

    You can see the TO with HIT Finder. Click on the little bars and you get a pop up window.
    If HIT is available, you can see when it was created by clicking on it. That's the only way to see when it was created. It's just an extra step, and not an improvement.

    Flora likes this.
  19. Paleface

    Paleface User

    I wonder if they could add the features that we liked back? From the extensions menu you can open a case with Kadauchi and ask. He might be more willing to work on something if given a little remuneration too ;) I send him money every now and then. Without MTS turking would be so much harder for me.

    tscreener likes this.
  20. tscreener

    tscreener User

    That's a great idea! Hadn't even thought of it. I'll send him a note and ask. I'm also curious if it isn't something I'm doing wrong (that the search feature doesn't seem to be working for me. The hits come up by day, week, month, but not by search. I suppose I could always try reinstalling to see if it just didn't have a hick-up on installation.
    Paleface likes this.
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