FoodEssentials Q&A Thread

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by roon83, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Not that I know of.
  2. ericsp28

    ericsp28 New Member

    Lot's of non-food items in today's batch. A lot of the vitamin supplements have serving sizes that don't conform to the measurements that are given as options in the drop down boxes (like 2 scoops, or 1 capsule, etc). Should we just not enter anything and check the box next to "This product has no serving size info" in those cases?
  3. Jacotah

    Jacotah User

    You guys have awesome hits, plan on staying around? If so may I recommend a qualification/quality control system. That way you can wash out bad workers easily and get better results. Right now anyone is allowed to work on your hits but you can make it something like this:
    Qualification Requirement:
    5000 hits approved
    97%> Approval Rating
    FE Icons is at least 50
    FE Claims is at least 50
    etc, etc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2013
  4. tmbchick

    tmbchick User

    It doesn't float if you close the instruction/acceptance part. At least that's what I found.
  5. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    I found that switching to a different browser solved the problem.

    I experimented with different zoom factors in Chrome and was able to get the button to behave, but then everything else on the screen was hugely oversized. So I just switched to a Firefox variant and all became well.
  6. bluewaffle

    bluewaffle User

    Got most of my foodessentials hits approved. It appears that they will approve your hits as long as you actually do the work. I am hoping for more hits from them?
  7. I seen New instructions in red color about the serving size shown makes confusion to me. This New Updated instructions states No need to give Serving Size unit values for CAN, CHIP, PACKAGE...only required is provide info in Description box(Serve Description), But in Serving Size guide there still exist instruction which tells "Has to give Net Weight values in case of CAN, CHIP, serving size unit values.

    Which one has to follow -

    1. Enough to give in Serve Description in case of CAN, PACK, Chip...
    2. Has to give Net Wt. Values in Unit dropdown and mention in Serve Description

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