Francisco hits.. whew

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by footballchick29, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. Whew! That was an awesome batch to boost numbers.. lets hope the approval/payment process is just as easy.. I noticed the last hour or so the hits were flying off!!! Guess lots of other people decided to take the chance :) If all goes well I will definately be leaving a positive TO :)
  2. Swig5

    Swig5 User

    It was taking so long for the page to upload I only made about 1.50 in 30-45 minutes. But they were very easy.
  3. dextux

    dextux User

    I was able to get 1300 of these in since 6:45 working on and off. It helped doing two at a time since they were slow loading!
  4. Yea near the end I noticed the page taking forever also.. I hope this guy puts work up again soon :)
  5. dextux

    dextux User

    Really needed these after NetMSI completely fucked me over today. My Approved is down to 92% because of that guy. :mad:
  6. wow dex thats alot.. I didnt even keep track of mine.. I'm just glad to have had a chance to do them and boost my numbers
  7. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Damn...I'm so pissed at myself...took a few off to cook dinner for the hubby and talk for a little bit thinking that these would still be available...UGH...Oh well...I got about 400 in...hopefully they approve quickly!
  8. Those francisco HITs went crazy effing fast!!

    I was doing them... There were 20k... I switched to the forums... looked at new posts... BAM 2k left. I was like WTF!!!!

    Yep, idk what got in his pants all of a sudden, he started rejecting like crazy.
  9. xFLYNNx

    xFLYNNx Active Member

    What were these about and how much did they pay?
  10. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Some of these HITs are up now!

    eta...and they are GONE! :)
  11. Tirado is awesome as always. He even considered my suggestion and changed the interface of this HIT just the way I've suggested. I love it when a requester considers my requests. Awesommme!
  12. lazarru

    lazarru User

    More up now
  13. Swig5

    Swig5 User

    Stupid Captcha!
  14. woohoo, i am getting my numbers up with these. when they load quickly i get do them in 7 seconds
  15. lazarru

    lazarru User

    Have any from yesterday been accepted yet?
  16. jaroba07

    jaroba07 Guest

    Those are so them! :)
  17. Nope. I think it will go for auto approval. It is set for 2 days. have to wait till tomorrow to get yesterday's approved.
  18. Francisco is a great requester. I use to work for him back in 2009 when his hits were .10 cents a piece. I would make 10 to 12 dollars in a half hour.
  19. adavis951

    adavis951 Member

    Damn, I saw 60. Hit accept and they were all gone.
  20. refresh and they will be back

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