
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by McUser, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. McUser

    McUser User

    hi all,

    I used to turk a lot with ClariTrans and CrowdSource. I always like the MThomas surveys when they come up. I don't turk that much these days, but I like to do the occasional survey, and sometimes I do the interactive HIT's that pay $7 when they come up. There is also a game that is posted once in a while where you have to choose between orange and blue circles, and that one pays $3 and a bonus.
  2. mikee090

    mikee090 Member

    I just started a few days ago. Plan on doing it after school when I'm done with homework and the rest.
  3. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Welcome =) variety can be the spice of life, nice that you like doing different things on mturk
  4. nobody

    nobody User

    Welcome McUser!

    I haven't tried ClariTrans, but I'm a fan of Crowdsource.

    Happy turking!
  5. Hi McUser,

    Welcome to this great forum and enjoy your stay. and do ask your queries.

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