How do you find groups of fast easy HITs

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by 646count, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. 646count

    646count User

    I've been at this a few months, my HIT count is a little over 1100 and I'm still trying to figure out how to hop on Mturk and do a few fast easy HITs that can score me a few $$ in an hour or so. I seem to spend most of my time scrolling and looking at each post to find something.

    Yesterday was one of my better days as far as earnings, about $15, but that took literally ALL DAY...not acceptable use of time.

    Thanks for any suggestions
  2. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    I keep bookmarks on my fav requesters that i have worked for in the past and run through them when I first sign on. That along with help from the forums I belong to is where I start my day no matter what.
  3. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    ^ Same here. I have a folder of bookmarks and whenever I'm bored I open them all in tabs, just to see if anyone has something I missed. Also, sorting by HIT count can help you find big batches, just be careful who you work for and make sure it's worth your time.

    1000 penny HITs that take 1 min each is not worth getting your HIT count up. But if they only take a second, they could be worth it. Also, 1000 penny HITs from a dickweed requester will get your rejection rate up nice and high so make sure you're using TO. ;)
  4. OK, explain how you set up a bookmark.
  5. Athena

    Athena User

    You just add a link to the requester's ID on your "favorites" list.
    Like, if (REAL hypothetical, yáll...LOL) you really liked Crowdflower. You're add this link to your "favorites"" list (or "bookmark this page" on firefox)

    Also, use turkalert and activate google email alerts so you get a popup when you get emails (some people have it set to ding their phone.)
  6. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Depends on your browser. I use Firefox, there's a pretty little star in the address bar and I just click that. I click it again to edit & add the requesters name and make sure it's in my "Requester" folder.
  7. Athena

    Athena User

    Also, well-paying batch HITs are not constantly available, so no matter what you do, a lot of people can never consistently find good-paying HITs. It takes a while to find all the good requesters.
  8. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    ^ Yup. You gotta be ready when a good batch pops up, whether it's noon or 2 am. The good batches go fast and won't wait around for you.
  9. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    All you have to do is drag the fav icon (the pic at the beginning of the url address) to your browser toolbar. I personally have a folder set up just for amazon requesters to keep my toolbar a little neater. You can also just hit Ctlr D when you are on a site and it will add it to your bookmark folder if you would rather do it that way.
  10. nobody

    nobody User

    When I first log in, I search through the large batches of HITs and for my favorite requesters. After that, I open different tabs for different types of HITs based on keywords, and refresh those every so often. Another tab is open to new HITs, and I refresh the crap out of that one until I find something. Sometimes I luck out, other times it can take up to 30 minutes.

    I mostly do transcription, so I only do this when I don't find transcription or writing HITs I can do.
  11. 646count

    646count User

    These are all a great help, thanks. I still have to find a requester that I'm totally comfortable with.

    That brings up another issue, nobody...I got burned several times the first couple weeks after writing some 400 and 700 word HITs that got rejected even though I did a good job so I stopped doing those. I'm going to start another thread about getting your writing HITs approved. Maybe you can help out there also with some hints ??

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